
出版时间:2011-6  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:斯泽克雷斯 编  页数:600  




编者:(澳大利亚)斯泽克雷斯 (Peter Szekeres)


1 sets and structures
 1.1 sets and logic
 1.2 subsets, unions and intersections of sets
 1.3 cartesian products and relations
 1.4 mappings
 1.5 infinite sets
 1.6 structures
 1.7 category theory
2 groups
 2.1 elements of group theory
 2.2 transformation and permutation groups
 2.3 matrix groups
 2.4 homomorphisms and isomorphisms
 2.5 normal subgroups and factor groups
 2.6 group actions
 2.7 symmetry groups
3 vector spaces
 3.1 rings and fields
 3.2 vector spaces
 3.3 vector space homomorphisms
 3.4 vector subspaces and quotient spaces
 3.5 bases ofavector space
 3.6 summation convention and transformation of bases
 3.7 dual spaces
4 linear operators and matrices
 4.1 eigenspaces and characteristic equations
 4.2 jordan canonical form
 4.3 linear ordinary differential equations
 4.4 introduction to group representation theory
5 inner product spaces
 5.1 real inner product spaces
 5.2 complex inner product spaces
 5.3 representations of finite groups
6 algebras
 6.1 algebras and ideals
 6.2 complex numbers and complex structures
 6.3 quaternions and clifford algebras
 6.4 grassmann algebras
 6.5 lie algebras and lie groups
7 tensors
 7.1 free vector spaces and tensor spaces
 7.2 multilinear maps and tensors
 7.3 basis representation of tensors
 7.4 operations on tensors
8 exterior algebra
 8.1 r-vectors and r-forms
 8.2 basis representation of r-vectors
 8.3 exterior product
 8.4 interior product
 8.5 oriented vector spaces
 8.6 the hodge dual
9 special relativity
 9.1 minkowski space-time
 9.2 relativistic kinematics
 9.3 particle dynamics
 9.4 electrodynamics
 9.5 conservation laws and energy-stress tensors
10 topology
 10.1 euclidean topology
 10.2 general topological spaces
 10.3 metric spaces
 10.4 induced topologies
 10.5 hausdorff spaces
 10.6 compact spaces
 10.7 connected spaces
 10.8 topological groups
 10.9 topological vector spaces
11 measure theory and integration
 11.1 measurable spaces and functions
 11.2 measure spaces
 11.3 lebesgue integration
12 distributions
 12.1 test functions and distributions
 12.2 operations on distributions
 12.3 fourier transforms
 12.4 green's functions
13 hilbert spaces
 13.1 definitions and examples
 13.2 expansion theorems
 13.3 linear functionals
 13.4 bounded linear operators
 13.5 spectral theory
 13.6 unbounded operators
14 quantum mechanics
 14.1 basic concepts
 14.2 quantum dynamics
 14.3 symmetry transformations
 14.4 quantum statistical mechanics
15 differential geometry
 15.1 differentiable manifolds
 15.2 differentiable maps and curves
 15.3 tangent, cotangent and tensor spaces
 15.4 tangent map and submanifolds
 15.5 commutators, flows and lie derivatives
 15.6 distributions and frobenius theorem
16 differentiable forms
 16.1 differential forms and exterior derivative
 16.2 properties of exterior derivative
 16.3 frobenius theorem: dual form
 16.4 thermodynamics
 16.5 classical mechanics
17 integration on manifolds
 17.1 partitions of unity
 17.2 integration of n-forms
 17.3 stokes' theorem
 17.4 homology and cohomology
 17.5 the poincare lemma
18 connections and curvature
 18.1 linear connections and geodesics
 18.2 covariant derivative of tensor fields
 18.3 curvature and torsion
 18.4 pseudo-riemannian manifolds
 18.5 equation of geodesic deviation
 18.6 the riemann tensor and its symmetries
 18.7 caftan formalism
 18.8 general relativity
 18.9 cosmology
 18.10 variation principles in space-time
19 lie groups and lie algebras
 19.1 lie groups
 19.2 the exponential map
 19.3 lie subgroups
 19.4 lie groups of transformations
 19.5 groups of isometrics








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