
出版时间:2012-3  出版社:欧内斯特•海明威、 盛世教育西方名著翻译委员会 上海世界图书出版公司 (2012-03出版)  作者:欧内斯特·海明威  页数:330  译者:盛世教育西方名著翻译委员会  


通过阅读文学名著学语言,是掌握英语的绝佳方法。既可接触原汁原味的英语,又能享受文学之美,一举两得,何乐不为?    对于喜欢阅读名著的读者,这是一个最好的时代,因为有成千上万的书可以选择;这又是一个不好的时代,因为在浩繁的卷帙中,很难找到适合自己的好书。    然而,你手中的这套丛书,值得你来信赖。    这套精选的中英对照名著全译丛书,未改编改写、未删节削减,且配有权威注释、部分书中还添加了精美插图。    要学语言、读好书,当读名著原文。如习武者切磋交流,同高手过招方能渐明其间奥妙,若一味在低端徘徊,终难登堂入室。积年流传的名著,就是书中“高手”。然而这个“高手”,却有真假之分。初读书时,常遇到一些挂了名著名家之名改写改编的版本,虽有助于了解基本情节,然而所得只是皮毛,你何曾真的就读过了那名著呢?一边是窖藏了50年的女儿红,一边是贴了女儿红标签的薄酒,那滋味,怎能一样?“朝闻道,夕死可矣。”人生短如朝露,。当努力追求真正的美。    本套丛书的英文版本,是根据外文原版书精心挑选而来;对应的中文译文以直译为主,以方便中英文对照学习,译文经反复推敲,对忠实理解原著极有助益;在涉及到重要文化习俗之处,添加了精当的注释,以解疑惑。    读过本套丛书的原文全译,相信你会得书之真意、语言之精髓。    送君“开卷有益”之书,愿成文采斐然之人。






第一部分 第一章 第二章 第三章 第四章 第五章 第六章 第七章 第二部分 第八章 第九章 第十章 第十一章 第十二章 第十三章 第十四章 第十五章 第十六章 第十七章 第十八章 第三部分 第十九章 中英对照全译本系列书目表


版权页:   "Down is the best. They're plenty up above, too." Bill went down the bank. "Take a worm can." "No, I don't want one. If they won't take a fly I'll just flick it around." Bill was down below watching the stream. "Say," he called up against the noise of the dam. "How about putting the wine in that spring up the road?" "All right," I shouted. Bill waved his hand and started down the stream. I found the two wine-bottles in the pack, and carried them up the road to where the water of a spring flowed out of an iron pipe. There was a board over the spring and I lifted it and, knocking the corks firmly into the bottles, lowered them down into the water. It was so cold my hand and wrist felt numbed. 1 put back the slab of wood, and hoped nobody would find the wine. I got my rod that was leaning against the tree, took the bait-can and landing-net,and walked out onto the dam. It was built to provide a head of water for driving logs. The gate was up, and I sat on one of the squared timbers and watched the smooth apron of water before the river rambled into the falls_ In the white water at the foot of the dam it was deep. As I baited up, a trout shot up out of the white water into the falls and was carried down Before I could finish baiting, another trout jumped at the falls, making the same lovely arc and disappearing into the water that was thundering down. I put on a good-sized sinker and dropped into the white water close to the edge of the timbers of the dam. I did not feel the first trout strike. When I started to pull up I felt that I had one and brought him, fighting and bending the rod almost double, out of the boiling water at the foot of the falls, and swung him up and onto the dam. He was a good trout,and I banged his head against the timber so that he quivered out straight, and then slipped him into my bag.






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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   很喜欢这本书,设计的也不错.纸张也满好的.总之我很满意
  •   送朋友的她说很好的好书
  •   书的纸张质量,印刷方面都还可以,唯一欠缺的就是作品的翻译了,没有译出作品的味道。比如说一道辣子鸡丁的菜里面被加了白糖是什么味道呢?
  •   喜欢世图出的书,字体清晰,中英对照,看起来很方便,纸质也很好。亚马逊的快递根式没的说!

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