
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:中央编译出版社  作者:F.H.伯内特  页数:236  


  VONCE ON a dark winter's day, when the yellow fog hung so
thick and heaW in the streets of London that the lamps were lighted
and the shop windows blazed with gas as they do at night, an
odd-looking little girl sat in a cab with her father and was driven
rather slowly through the big thoroughfares.
  She sat with her feet tucked under her, and leaned against her
father, who held her in his arm, as she stared out of the window at
the passing people with a queer old-fashioned thoughtfulness in her
big eyes.


作者:(美国)F.H.伯内特(Burntett.F.H.)F.H.伯内特,(Burntett.F.H.)(1849 -1924) was an Anglo-American playwright and author. She is best known for herchildren's stories, in particular The Secret Garden, A Little Princess, and Little Lord Fauntleroy.After moving with her husband to Washington, D.C., Burnett wrote the novels Haworth's(I879),Louisiana (i88o), A Fair Barbarian (I88I), and Through One Administration (I883), as wellas a play, Esmeralda (I88I), written with William Gillette.


2 A French Lesson
3 Ermengarde
4 Lottie
5 Becky
6 The Diamond Mines
7 The Diamond Mines Again
8 In the Attic
9 Melchisedec
10 The Indian Gentleman
11 Ram Dass
12 The Other Side of the Wall
13 One of the Populace
14 What Melchisedec Heard and Saw
15 The Magic
16 The Visitor
17 "It Is the Child!"
18 "I Tried Not to Be"
19 Anne


版权页:“Miss St.John!”she exclaimed severely.“What do you mean by such conduct?Remove your elbows!Take your ribbon out of your mouth!Sit up at once!''  Upon which Miss St.John gave another jump,and when Lavinia and Jessie tittered she became redder than evell.一so red,indeed,that she almost looked as if tears were coming into her poor,dull,childish eyes;and Sara saw her and was so sorry for her that she began rather to like her and want to be her friend.It was a way of hers always to want to spring into any fray in which someone was made uncomfortable or unhappy.  “If Sara had been a boy and lived a few centuries ago,’’her father used to say,“she would have gone about the country with her sword drawn,rescuing and defending everyone in distress.She always wants to fight when she sees people in trouble.”  So she took rather a fancy to fat,slow,little Miss St.John,and kept glancing toward her through the morning.She saw that lessons were no easy matter to her,and that there was no danger of her ever being spoiled by being treated as a show pupil.Her French lesson was a pathetic thing.Her pronunciation made even Monsieur Dufarge smile in spite of himself,and Lavinia and Jessie and the more fortunate girls either giggled or looked at her in wondering disdain.But Sara did not laugh.She tried to look as if she did not hear when Miss St.John called“le bon pain.”“lee bong pang.’’She had a fine,hot little temper of her own,and it made her feel rather savage when she heard the titters and saw the poor,stupid,distressed child’S face.


《世界文学经典读本:小公主(英文版)》编辑推荐:A LITTLE PRINCESS is a 1904 children'snovel by Frances Hodgson Burnett. It is arevised and expanded version of Burnett's 888 serialized novel entitled Sara Crewe: or, What happened at Miss Minchin's boarding school,which was published in St. Nichol as Magazine.  According to Burnett, she discovered thatshe had missed out a great deal of things when writing the novella. She had been composinga play based on the story when she found out alot of characters she had missed. The publishe rasked her to publish a new, revised story ofthe novella, producing the novel.



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  •   小公主 你值得拥有!
  •   人生,难得天真,男的坚强,小公主,值得每一个人学习
  •   这本小公主,内容还没看,不过封面和排版都非常喜欢,纸的质量也非常好,赠有一个小的藏书票,送来的时候外面还用塑料包着,,最满意的一本,
  •   好久不在当当购物了,因为要批量买60本《小公主》给学生,其他的京和卓都有限制,当当一次搞定,非常给力。书的内容就不讲了,希望各位都能够成为一个有毅力,用善良征服世界的人。
  •   很喜欢小公主的电视剧。这次特意买书的。
  •   书看起来不错,质量很好~英文版,原汁原味~
  •   读英文版,练习阅读,不错,也有故事内容
  •   很好挺喜欢
  •   一直相信当当品质
  •   幼稚的故事,但生单词还挺多的,读着好烦www
  •   小女孩都喜欢的经典小说
  •   没想到书还是挺不错的,很喜欢的,内容排版很清晰,看起来不累,是我喜欢的风格,而且这本书我本身就很喜欢,所以感觉很好
  •   印刷清晰,全英版,看着就舒服
  •   初看开篇,感觉这个小女孩很可爱,又觉得她应该也会听课两的 这个出版社的书一直是我的最爱 呵呵呵呵额好
  •   好久没读英文小说了,慢慢读吧。
  •   小时候就很喜欢这个童话。现在可以看英文原版的好棒
  •   争取看完这本全英文的!
  •   纸质不错 书也很好
  •   练习英语用的,感觉还是蛮不错的
  •   印刷,质量很好,喜欢
  •   拿到书时,我竟产生一种爱不释手的感觉。内容不会很难,有点基础的同学都可以看得很愉悦
  •   很喜欢 爱不释手 好想赶快阅读
  •   是精装本,字迹挺清楚的,纸质也好
  •   还没看,这次买了五本书,包装都挺好的,就是送货用了4天。。
  •   两天看完了 很有意思的故事
  •   一直很喜欢这个故事,这本书的印刷质量十分好,很值!
  •   文学经典,包装印刷不错
  •   这本书我已经看过简略版的,这次看个完整版
  •   很喜欢这个故事~~~
  •   假期按老师要求读完了整本书 觉得字体大小刚好 很喜欢
  •   包装、纸张很好,感觉不错哦~~
  •   书到手了,还没有开始看,但是挺满意的。看过电影版的,挺喜欢这个故事的。
  •   内容比较简单,适合英语学习者
  •   经典读物,不错,打算读给孩子听
  •   买了两本书,这本《小公主》本来是买着收藏的,结果拿到手是破的,封面撕破了一小块,不知是不是发货的问题。内容倒是挺好的,全英文。
  •   有拼写错误,不便用来英语阅读,不建议买
  •   非常喜欢,书的质量很不错,英文的大小、行间距都挺适中,适合阅读。
  •   很新的一本,纸质不错,封面还是硬皮的哎,,,适合收藏的
  •   有透明塑封,小时候看过,长大重温,不过是英文版
  •   书头天下单,第二天就下午就到了,质量很好,但是还没有看
  •   女儿的第一本英文书,希望她加油!
  •   挺好,不过还没细看。
  •   小公主畅销百年,值得一读
  •   刚看书的简介,故事情节很吸引人。
  •   第一次读,希望很好看
  •   想找点英语读物的童鞋们,可以看看。
  •   书挺好的,排班印刷都像正品,读起来感觉不错。
  •   很漂亮的装帧,字体很舒服,全英文版的小公主希望我可以学到很多东西。
  •   纸质真的不错,应该是正版的。
  •   跟想像中差不多,满意
  •   装订很好,纸张也好,正版书。到货速度快。

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