活页英语时文阅读理解 高考6

出版时间:2011-9  出版社:中国电力  作者:贾仁起 编  页数:120  




Week One新闻与时事时文阅读
Week Tw0媒体与广告时文阅读
Week Three科普与小品时文阅读
Week Four人文与地理时文阅读
Week Five人物与故事时文阅读
Week Six文化与风俗时文阅读
Week Seven体育与休闲时文阅读
Week Eight生活与哲理时文阅读


  Women farmers are 0ften lesS productivethan men,but there are good reasons for that.sayseconomist Agnes Quisumbing.She says womenfarmers have fewer resources than male farmers.  The new FA0 report says women make up forty-three percent of the world’S farmers.But only aboutten to twenty percent of them own the land they farm.Without owning land.it iS harder for them to getcredit to buy inputs such as better seeds and fertilizers.In many countries.women are half as likely as men touse fertilizers to increase the amount of crops.  In addition,Ms Quisumbing says many of theworld'S women are raising their children at the sametime they are farming.  The FA0 report says helping women farmerscould increase agricultural output in the developingworld by as much as four percent.This in turn couldreduce the number of poor people by as much asseventeen percent.  ''Just helping women farmers have the sameaccess to inputs and control of resources that malefarmers have would really do a lot in terms ofimproving agriculture productivity,reducing hungerand malnutrition★.”Ms Quisumbing said.  She saysthe reportdoesnottryto gain sympathy.It makes the case for women farmers based onbusiness reasons.“We hear a lot about how womenare disadvantaged.And thev tend to be very bleeding-heart arguments.But bleeding.heart arguments don’tnecessarily tell heads of state to move their mone~''  She saysgovernments should supportprogramsthathelpwomenfarlners.11leseincludefinancial supporttohelp them buy better seeds and fertilizers.But she sayspoliciesinmanycountriesalsoneedtochange.   ……


  本套图书以“练”为主,讲练结合,并且按周次设计,非常符合课堂学习的需要;另外,题型多样,体现了中高考的命题趋势。  ——李俊和(北京四中英语组组长。特级教师)    “洞悉中高考趋势,优选创新材料;练习层次高,针对性强;科学解析试题,点拨解题关键。”  ——张石山(全国优秀教师、特级教师)    “本套图书选材新颖,体现英语阅读内容生活化和原汁原味的特点,紧扣社会热点话题,题材和体裁设置全面,文章长度和试题难度与中高考试题同步。”  ——段永华(湖北高级教师)



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  •   文章很给力,事情新颖,能压中内容,虽然不是原文,但是故事可以了解。唯一的不足就是答案顺序设计不合理,太容易找到规律了。
  •   里面的词汇量很大,而且确实很时文....还有日本地震呢~总之很赞,做完这本肯定还会继续买哒~~~支持支持!!!
  •   这套书买了好多次了,值得推荐,最新时事
  •   内容不错 文章很新
  •   给孩子买得,看着还不错,挺好
  •   30号晚上下的单,系统提示3号左右到,结果一号下午就来敲门了。
  •   孩子看了好几本了,这个先买了,等明后年再看
  •   very good.I will reda it .
  •   对英语的语法有帮助,既能了解国内外最新信息,有加强了阅读技能。
  •   不错的书,时事类的。
  •   刚买完就降半价,是不是得给补差呀!
  •   文章比较新,总体而言还是挺好的

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