
出版时间:2011-7  出版社:北京航空航天大学  作者:张佳佳 编  页数:179  






第一章  永不放弃希望
Never Give Up Hope永不放弃希望
Eagle in a Storm风雨中的雄鹰
Never Stop Dreaming别停下梦想的脚步
Courage Is a Gift勇气是才能
If I Had My Life to Live Over如果我能再活一次
The Man and the Opportunity人与机会
A Creed to Live By人生十“不”
Choose Optimism选择乐观
The Happy Door快乐之门
第二章 幸福是一段旅程
Happiness Is a Joumey幸福是一段旅程
On Motes and Beams微小如尘高大如梁
Confidence Is Built, not Inborn信心并非生而有之
Listen to Your Inner Voice聆听内心的声音
Three Passions I have Lived For吾之三愿
Love Is as Strong as Death爱即生死相许
Choice of Companions择友
When Love Beckons You爱的召唤
Try to Remember the Good Things回忆美好时刻
Catch the Star That Will Take You to Your Dreams追随你的梦想
Storms Always Give Way to the Sun阳光总在风雨后
AllowYour Own Inner Light to Guide You让内心的灯指引你
Put the Glass Down放下玻璃杯
Our Eden你和我的伊甸园
Please Remember, You Are Special请记住,你是与众不同的
Sand and Stone沙子和石头
The Real Meaning of Peace宁静的真谛
On the Feeling of Immortality in Youth有感于青春常在
If I Rest, I Rust如果我休息,我就会生锈
Get a Thorough Understanding of Oneself悟透自我
My Companions in Solitude我孤独中的伴侣
If I Were a Boy Again假如我又回到了童年
Don't Quit, Keep Playing不要停,继续弹
The Lesson of the Bamboo Trees竹子的启示
第三章 感悟生活真谛
Appreciate the Essence of Life感悟生活真谛
Suit Is the Best适合的才是最好的
Just for Today就为了今天
Making Sandcastles堆沙堡
Make Way for Others' Happiness给别人的幸福让道
The Dignity of Life人生的尊严
Bring Happiness Home带快乐回家
Poor Excuse荒唐的理由
Brave Mother勇敢的母亲
On Achievements and Dreams关于成就和梦想
The Story in Emergency Room急诊室的故事
第四章 心态的力量
The Power of Mind心态的力量
You Can't Learn IfYou Do't Try未经尝试,何来收获
My Mother我的母亲
Unconditional Love无私的爱
You Have Only One Life生命只有一次
A Favorable Turn in Business事业的转机
Two Extreme Attitudes about Life对待生活的两种极端的态度
Don't Look Back告别过去
I Will Run to the Goal我要跑向终点
Give Children Their Room给孩子一点空间
Reject to Stereotype拒绝模式化
Big Name Universities:Don't Really Matter
Freedom Parrot呼喊自由的鹦鹉
Digging a way Out挖一条出路
第五章 书写你的生命
Write Your Own Life书写你的生命
Words to Live By(Ⅰ)人生格言(1)
Words to Live By(Ⅱ)人生格言(2)
Vitamins for the Mind心灵维他命
I Am Just Who I Am我就是我
Four Perfect Dreams of Life完美人生四大梦想
A Mother Wrote to the World During World War Ⅱ一个母亲在二战时写给世界的信
Enjoy Solitude享受孤独
The Simple Life简单生活
My Life Is Over我的人生已逝
We Stand on the Same Starting Point我们站在同一起跑点
The Gift of Love爱的颂歌
A Letter to Beloved Son(Ⅰ)给爱子的信(1)
A Letter to Beloved Son(Ⅱ)给爱子的信(2)
The Love of Beauty自然之关


  A good companion is better than a fortune, for a fortune cannot purchase those elements of character which make companionship a blessing. The best companion is one who is wiser and better than ourselves, for we are inspired by his wisdom and virtue to nobler deeds. Greater wisdom and goodness than we possess lifts us higher mentally and morally.  It is true that we cannot always choose all of our companions. Some are thrust upon us by business and the social relations of life. We do not choose the, we do not enjoy them, and yet we have to associate with them more or less. The experience is not altogether without compensation. If there be principle enough in us to bear the strain. Still, in the man, choice of companions can be made, and must be made. It is not best or necessary for a young person to associate with "Tome, Dick and Henry" without forethought or purpose. Some fixed rules about the company he or she keeps should be observed. The subject should be uppermost in the thoughts, and canvassed often.  Companionship is education, good or bad; it develops manhood or womanhood, high or low, it lifts the soul upward or drags it downward; it ministers to virtue or vice. There is no half way work about its influence. If it ennobles, it does it grandly. If it demoralizes, it does it devilishly, it saves or destroys lustily. Nothing it the world is surer than this. Sow virtue, and the harvest will be virtue. Sow vice, and the harvest will be vice. Good companions help us to sow virtue; evil companions help us to sow vice.   ……




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  •   英语睡前5分钟:生活的智慧(内附光盘1张),每晚都读,结果被鄙视了
  •   书是双色版的,内容精美。英汉对照,而且部分生词有注释,并且标注了音标。很适合高学生阅读。书中的“佳句采摘”为读者提供了文章的精华,“编辑心语”能够引起读者共鸣。另外,书的排版很清新,字号大小适中。随书附带的MP3效果也很好,朗读得很优美。如果坚持阅读这类书,对提高孩子的英语水平一定会大有益处。我和孩子都特别喜欢这本书。
  •   可以帮助记忆单词,每句话都蕴含哲理,每天睡前五分钟,听着纯正的发音,对学英语有潜移默化的作用。
  •   了解生活,让生活充满激情
  •   书质量好,光盘也好,快递态度也好。满意。好评!
  •   买过一本《榜样的力量》,还会继续购买的!
  •   买了相同系列的书。都不错,很喜欢。
  •   正在阅读中,感觉很好。。
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  •   这本书帮忙同学买的。至于内容咋的,后来没细问,不好做太多的评价
  •   给同学买的、可以
  •   枕边书,谈不上好坏
  •   老师推荐的,看了还可以。

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