
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:外语教研  作者:杰克·伦敦  页数:393  




作者:(美国)杰克·伦敦(Jack London)


To The Man on Trail
The White Silence
In a Far Country
The Wisdom of the Trail
An Odyssey of the North
The Law of Life
The God oF His Fathers
The League oF the Old Men
Love of Life
The Wit of Porporfuk
To Build a Fire
All Oold Canyou
The Apostate
South of the Slot
The Chinago
A Piece of Steak
Koolau the Leper
The Strength of the Strong
The Mexican
Told in the Drooling Ward
The Water Baby
The Red One


插图:"Dump it in. Who's making this punch, anyway?" And Malemute Kid  smiled benignantly through the clouds of steam. "By the time you've beenin this country as long as I have, my son, and lived on rabbit-tracks andsalmon-belly, you'll learn that Christmas comes only once per annum. Anda Christmas without punch is sinking a hole to bedrock with nary a pay-streak.""Stack up on that fer a high cyard," approved Big Jim Belden, whohad come down from his claim on Mazy May to spend Christmas, andwho, as every one knew, had been living the two months past on straightmoose-meat. "Hain't fergot the hooch we-uns made on the Tanana, hevyeh?""Well, I guess yes. Boys, it would have done your hearts good to seethat whole tribe fighting drunk——and all because of a glorious ferment ofsugar and sour dough. That was before your time," Malemute Kid said ashe turned to Stanley Prince, a young mining expert who had been in twoyears. "No white women in the country then, and Mason wanted to getmarried. Ruth's father was chief of the Tananas, and objected, like the restof the tribe. Stiff?. Why, I used my last pound of sugar; finest work in thatline I ever did in my life. You should have seen the chase, down the riverand across the portage." "But the squaw?" asked Louis Savoy, the tall French-Canadian,becoming interested; for he had heard of this wild deed, when at FortyMile the preceding winter.


我所看到的,是征服的迷人力量,是血色冒险及黄金潮的迷人力量。……生命既勇敢又狂野,而我正经历着我阅读了无数遍的冒险生活。  ——杰克·伦敦评论家们认为,这位擅长“描写人类原始本能”的年轻小说家可以跟爱伦·坡、吉卜林以及麦尔维尔相提并论。  ——亚马逊书店






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用户评论 (总计19条)


  •   杰克.伦敦的小说都非常经典,不光孩子爱看,也适合大人看。
  •   名人名著吧。内容很精彩。
  •   书是不错,只可惜订错了,是英文版的。
  •   书很薄,印刷质量不错,内容不知道,还没看呢
  •   学外语的好东东!
  •   挺好的,不过买的时候没看清楚,以为是中英对照的!结果是英文版的! 5分
  •   是英文版的书,拍错了,不过可以给孩子留着看,还不错。好评!
  •   是全英文的!注意了!不过读原版确实很棒!
  •   没看清楚,买了英文版,慢慢看,就当学习英文了
  •   书倒是正版,但是书不仅压皱了,封面还破了,美中不足了。
  •   内容印刷什么的都没话说,只是送来的时候有一些破损,不过无所谓了
  •   本想买一本中英对照的书,选错了。
  •   本来挺喜欢这本书,但封面卷边,皱折,书内还有水渍,对于喜欢书的人来说,真让人心里不愉快
  •   居然是英文版, 程度不够, 买的时候太急, 没看清楚下面......
  •   没看清居然买到英文版,水平有限研究了一下,阅读困难。
  •   一共有25篇短篇小说,印刷、纸质都不错。美中不足是没有注释,插图不是很好看。整体很满意。
  •   书的感觉很好呢!!没有想到是英文版的太兴奋了!!现在开始读……
  •   刚到手,质量很满意给五分。
  •   杰克伦敦的书,内容自不必说,因为非常热爱他的文字才买了这本书。封面古典怡人,纸张很不错,印刷也很好,很值得购买。美中不足的是,送货包装太抠门,竟然装个塑料袋就送来了,回来时几本书书角都卷了,还有点磨损。以前都是纸箱加气袋的包装,回来书完好如新。以后要再这样就拒收。

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