
出版时间:2012-11  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:唐小平,高雅 编  页数:78  


  国家课程标准专家悉心指导,专业学术研究机构倾心策划,全国范围名家名师潜心编撰,教材原创出版单位精心出版。  在新课程的词典里,“情景”和“导学”是鲜明体现课程改革理念的核心词汇。集合了这两大要点,“情景导学”的脚步必将随着课程改革的不断深入而踏遍神州大地的每一个角落。


Module 1Unit 1 Don't touch the machines,please!Unit 2 Don't feed the ducks!Module 2Unit 1 This computer is beautiful.Unit 2 It costs one thousand eight hundred yuan.Module 3Unit 1 He shouted,"Wolf,wolf!"Unit 2 She went into a shop.Module 4Unit 1 Dad played the erhu.Unit 2 I was very nervous.Module 5Unit 1 We're having a party.Unit 2 He's painting flowers.Module 6Unit 1 I'll draw the pictures.Unit 2 Let's have a class party this Saturday!Module 7Unit 1 It's very hot.Unit 2 It's big and round.Module 8Unit 1 New York is in the east.Unit 2 The capital of America is Washington,D.C.Module 9Unit 1 Why do you like Australia?Unit 2 Kangaroos live in Australia.Module 10Modules 1-2综合测试卷Modules 3-4综合测试卷Modules 5-6综合测试卷Modules 7-8综合测试卷Modules 9-10综合测试卷期中综合测试卷期末综合测试卷听力材料正文参考答案综合测试卷参考答案



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