
出版时间:2012-9  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:鲁尔 改编  页数:全5册  译者:韩晓岚  




作者:(英国)鲁尔(John Rule) 译者:韩晓岚


第1章 淘气包汤姆·索亚
第2章 重要的许诺
第3章 勇敢的汤姆·索亚
第4章 隐藏的财宝


版权页:   插图:      Rat and Mole sat in the sun on the riverbank one morning. "Rat, I would like to meet Toad. Can we visit him?"asked Mole. "What a good idea! Toad always welcomes visitors!" exclaimed Rat. So Rat and Mole rowed over to Toad Hall. It was a grand house with a beautiful garden. They found him in the garden. "Oh, Rat! I wanted to see you!" Toad jumped up. "Toad, this is my friend, Mole," said Rat. "Hello. I have something exciting to show you!" cried Toad. He took Rat and Mole to the yard. There was a gypsy caravan in the yard. "I will travel the whole world,"said Toad. Mole was very interested. He looked at the kitchen, the beds, the books, the games and the food in the caravan. "Everything is here for us. Let's go!" said Toad. The three friends left Toad Hall that aftemoon. "What a beautiful day! This is better than the river!" exclaimed Toad. Mole was so excited, but Rat was already missing the river. The next morning Toad, Rat and Mole heard a strange noise behind them. They looked back and saw a lot of dust in the road. The strange noise came again, "Poop! Poop!" Then the thing went past them. The horse was very scared. It ran into the ditch and the caravan turned over. The windows and everything inside were broken. Rat jumped up and down angrily in the road. But Toad said dreamily, "I never knew! That was a motorcar! Now that's the thing for me!" "We'll just have to walk then. Come on," Rat sighed. They went back to their home. The next day, Toad bought a very large and expensive car!



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用户评论 (总计24条)


  •   真不错。和孩子一起听,英语长进不小。
  •   买了一整套从一到四级。女儿8岁,三四天读一本,一周左右几乎可以背过。非常喜欢里面的对白,模仿的惟妙惟肖,打算按着剧本排个木偶戏。
  •   一到四级都买齐了,儿子一直都在听。
  •   这个系列陆续在买,儿子喜欢,内容丰富,既读了名著,又学了英语,很好的教材!
  •   女儿很喜欢,刚上六年级,英语没怎么补课水平一般,这套书的难易程度正适合她,。
  •   英语学校老师推荐的,这次是替别的家长买的
  •   相当于六折购入,好合算,读音也很赞,攒着吧,虽然暂时听不到它
  •   买了外研社的点读笔,准备用一下
  •   这四个盒子每个盒子里的书,适合一个年龄段。还有剧本,可以按照剧本让孩子们排演话剧,很好玩的!有创意!
  •   因为孩子大了,所以只买了第四级。看过以后,真的建议家长,把整套买下来。很值
  •   这个商品不错,配点读笔用挺好!
  •   故事改写的很好,短小精彩,适合孩子,我买了全套.
  •   故事有趣,语言地道。
  •   挺好的。一起和低年级的买的。好看。囤货
  •   用点读笔真的很方便
  •   到货速度很快~!书也很不错!
  •   有活动先收
  •   遇到做活动,赶紧购入。
  •   为了配合点读笔才买的书,书挺大,内容不算多。可能更适合小孩子吧。
  •   很好,买了一整套,但郁闷的是怎么不见点读笔?因为教不了孩子,所以我是冲着点读笔来买的,点读笔怎样购买的呢?希望能有个回答
  •   挺好的,希望孩子能喜欢。
  •   对小朋友来说 有点难了 没带音标
  •   会要求儿子要跟读的。不错,值的买
  •   装帧不错,希望孩子喜欢。

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