
出版时间:2011-10  出版社:北京出版集团公司,北京教育出版社  作者:刘强 编  页数:140  


  《1+1轻巧夺冠·优化训练:8年级英语(下)(外研版起始)(银版·卓越版)》采取左右两栏对照讲解。左栏为知识点讲解,右栏为与知识点相对应的例题。讲解划分的依据是按照老师讲课时的课时安排,方便学生及时快速地找到当天没有听懂或者是不能理解的知识点。  所选用的典型例题大多数采用近两年的中考题和模拟题,给出详尽的解析的同时,还针对易错和易忽视的地方,通过注意、误区点拨等灵活的小栏目给出解读和提醒。  用前瞻性、预测性的目光去分析、展示每节知识点的命题角度、深度,并形成与科技发展、生活实际相联系的创新应用能力,努力做到与中考命题趋势“合拍”,步调一致。  题目灵巧、简约,针对本节(课)所有知识点设计,与同步教材研读中的讲解相互对应,形成“讲、例、练”三案合一的形式,学以致用,当堂达标。


卷首语Module l At the zooUnit l We've just seen the golden monkeysUnit 2 The lions have just eaten their lunch!Unit 4 I've just washed my Dad's car Module 2 HolidaysUnit l We haven't fed the fish yet Unit 2 I've already got lots of CDs Unit 3 He hasn't made his bed Unit 4 We've already been to Paris Module 3 TravellingUnit l Have you been to Buckingham Palace? Unit 2 Have you got the tickets? Unit 3 Has your uncle arrived from England yet?Unit 4 I haven't been to Hyde Park yet Module 4 My Family and friendsUnit l How long have you lived here? Unit 2 He's gone to New York on businessUnit 3 Where have you been today? Unit 4 What have you done in New York?Module 5 A fableUnit l A frog in a little well Unit 2 I live in the East Sea Unit 3 The frog lived in the well Unit 4 Have you ever been to Beijing? Module 6 A FarmUnit l It was hard work but I enjoyed it Unit 2 He couldn't go to college but he wanted a good jobUnit 3 Many farmers grow rice,fruit,vegetables or teaUnit 4 They were afraid so they ran away 第2学期期中测试题Module 7 EnergyUnit l My mum was cooking dinner Unit2 Sodol Unit 3 John and I were looking out of the windowUnit 4 The wind was blowing综合检测题Module 8 FoodUnit l He said that he liked healthy food Unit 2 We think that meat and fried foods are not healthyUnit 3 Most Chinese people eat it every dayUnit 4 I always eat healthy food 综合检测题Module 9 A visitor from canadaUnit l Do you know how the fan works? Unit 2 I wonder whether you can help her Unit 3 Can you show Miss Green where the lunch rooms?Unit 4 I wonder if I will visit China again Module 10 Seeing a DoctorUnit l I don't feel well,Mum Unit 2 How can I help you,Mrs Nell? Unit 3 Alice wasn't well yesterday Unit 4 He hurt his neck and leg 综合检测题Module 11 Nelson mandelaUnit l I'm about to go to South Africa Unit 2 Nelson Mandela used to live there Unit 4 He's about to go to the market Module 12 Yao MingUnit l A great player and a nice person Unit 2 The Olympic Games Unit 3 Do you want to watch,too? Unit 4 The history of basketball 综合检测题第2学期期末测试题参考答案参考答案及解析



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