
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:天津教育出版社  作者:陈根花,李碧莲 主编  页数:238  字数:127000  


由陈根花和李碧莲主编的这本《帮助你遇到的下一个人》是美丽英文系列丛书之一。它收录了中英文对照阅读文70篇。这些阅读文均系短小精悍的智慧文章,展现了英文的美丽和人生的美丽。展卷而读,尽览人生哲理;触类旁通,领悟成功真谛……  本书适合所有大中学生、英文爱好者、喜欢睡前阅读的人以及所有希望通过文字慰藉心灵的人来阅读。


No.01 An Act of Kindness善举No.02 Building Your House建你自己的房子No.03 Heaven and Hell—The Real Difference天堂和地狱的真正差别No.04 A Gift ofMusic一份音乐的礼物No.05 Color of Friendship友谊的颜色No.06 The Art of Being a Neighbor做邻居的艺术No.07 Giving Hands伸出援助之手No.08 Just Help the Next Person帮助你遇到的下一个人No.09 Listening Is the Powerful Medicine倾听是一剂良药No.10 Candie蜡烛No.11 A Priceless Lesson宝贵的一课No.12 Mother's Motto妈妈的格言No.13 A Simple Act of Patience简单的耐心之举No.14 A Man Named Lawrence一个名叫劳伦斯的人No.15 On the Wav to Job Interviews在去面试的路上No.16 Winners and Losers赢家和输家N0.17 The Beg Lady流浪的老太太No.18 Earning Her Wings她赢得了翅膀No.19 A Pair of Shoes一双鞋No.20 It’s Never too Late永远都不晚No.21 A Simple Gesture一个简单的动作No.22 We Give and We Receive付出与收获No.23 The Hardest Thing最难做的事No.24 The Most Important Body Part身体最重要的部位No.25 A Trip to the Supermarket超市之行No.26 Is It Worth It值不值得No.27 The Most Valuable Possessions on Earth世界上最具价值的财产No.28 A Glass of Milk一杯牛奶No.29 The Perfect Dog“完美”的小狗No.30 Puppies for Sale待售的小狗No.31 A New Car and a Brick新车与砖头No.32 Alexander Fleming亚历山大·弗莱明No.33 The Princess and the Pea公主与豌豆No.34 I Have Done It at Last我终于做到了No.35 The MOst Beautiful Heart最美的心No.36 It Matters to This One对这只来说有意义No 37 The Woil and the Fox狼和狐狸No.38 The Wolf and the Sheep狼和羊No.39 The Thief and the Housedog小偷和看门狗No.40 The Man Bitten by a Dog被狗咬了的人No.41 The Bear and the Two Travelers熊和两个旅行者No.42 The Brother and the Sister哥哥和妹妹No 43 Nails钉子No.44 A Cobbler and a Banker皮匠和银行家N0.45 A Farmer and an Apple Tree农夫和苹果树No.46 Smile微笑No.47 Get a Thorough Understanding of Yourself悟透自己No.48 Who Deserves Help谁值得帮助No.49 The Rose Within Soul心中的玫瑰No.50 A Good Teacher,a Good Luck良师乃人生之大幸No.51 The Young Thief and His Mother小偷和母亲No.52 The Belly and the Members胃和其他器官No.53 The Milkmaid and Her Pail牛奶女工和奶桶No.54 The Importance ofBeing Honest诚实的重要性No.55 A Lesson of Humility谦卑的一课No.56 The Four Wivas四个妻子的故事No.57A Friend in Need患难朋友No.58 Kids Know the Diflference孩子们知道区别No 59 If假如No.60 Flower in the Desert沙漠之花No.61 The Old Grandfather and His Grandson爷爷和孙子No.62 I Hope Your Box is Empty我希望你的盒子是空的No.63 The Golden Chain of Kindness金色的爱心之链No.64 Is Kindness Contagious善举有感染力吗No.65 Leading the Charge冲锋在前No.66 The Lion and the Mouse狮子和老鼠No.67 Not a One一个都没有No.68 All I Learned in Kindergarten我在幼儿园学到的No.69 Breaking the Silence打破沉默No.70 Two frogs两只青蛙的故事



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