
出版时间:1984-5  出版社:上海译文出版社  作者:约翰·诺尔斯  页数:251  字数:194000  译者:严撷芸 注释  


故事以第二次世界大战为背景,主人公吉恩回忆十五年前在德文学校求学时期他和同学特别是和菲尼亚斯相处在一起时发生的事情。那是1942年夏,十七足岁的高年级学生为应征入伍都要进行备战训练。有一项训练项目是爬树,再从树上跳入河中。吉恩和菲尼亚斯等人都不满十七岁,但他们也都私下去爬树跳水。吉恩比较孤独,性格内向,但在班上学习成绩名列前茅,菲尼亚斯慷慨大方,有一股犟劲,是全校最好的运动员。吉恩渴望能在毕业典礼上当学生代表致告别词,但他担心菲尼亚斯会取代他去致词;另一方面,他妒忌菲尼亚斯,却又误认为菲尼亚斯是个妒忌他,想阻止他学业进步的人,因而暗中对菲尼亚斯怀有敌意;而菲尼亚斯一直信任吉恩,并视他为自己最好的朋友。一次,他们又同去爬树跳水,菲尼亚斯刚爬到一棵小树枝上,由于吉恩在后面震动了树枝,菲尼亚斯失却平衡跌了下去,以致成了跛子。后来吉恩向菲尼亚斯承认事故是他造成的,但菲尼亚斯怎么也不相信。之后,其他同学也逼着吉恩把事实经过说说明白,可就在当天晚上,菲尼亚斯又摔跤受伤,最后因开刀死在手术台上。    故事以吉恩怀着独自和解的心情从回忆往事的角度来描述,故对主人公的内心思想活动刻划得非常细腻。    本书适宜于大学英语专业中、高年级学生及具有相仿英语水平的社会读者阅读欣赏。


约翰·诺尔斯(John Knowles,1926- ),生于西弗吉尼亚州的费尔蒙特,就读于耶鲁大学,后任《假日》(Holiday)的副主编,曾获威廉·福克纳基金奖。接着,他的第一本小说A Separate Peace问世,获得了国家文学艺术学院的罗森塔尔奖(Rosenthal Award)。诺尔斯曾在普林斯顿


  He was still talking when I fell asleep, and the next morning, through the icy atmosphere which one win- dow raised an“ inch had admitted to our room, he woke me with the overindignant shout, “What is all this crap about no maids!” He was“ sitting up in bed, as though ready to spring out of it, totally and energetically awake. I had to laugh at this indignant athlete, with the strength of five people, complaining about the service.  He threw back his bedclothes and said, “Hand me my crutches, will you ?”  Until now, in spite of everything, I had welcomed each new day as though it were a new life, where all past failures and problems were erased, and all future possibilities and joys open and available, to be achieved probably before night fell again. Now, in this winter of snow and crutches with Phineas, I began to Know that each morning reasserted the problems of the night before, that sleep suspended all but changed nothing, that you couldn‘t make yourself over between dawn and dusk. Phineas however did not believe this. I’m sure that he looked down at his leg every morning first thing, as soon as he remembered it, to see if it had not been totally restored while he slept. When he found on this first morning back at Devon that it hap- pened still to be crippled and is a cast.




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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   印刷精美,适合学生阅读的好书
  •   好书,孩子很喜欢
  •   非常不错的一本书。
  •   书很旧了就像七八十年代的印刷质量太差了我开始也是贪便宜,果然便宜没有好货啊~~!

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