
出版时间:2008  出版社:上海译文版社  作者:(英国)(MARILYN BUTLER)玛里琳·巴特勒  页数:119  译者:邬海静  


阅读是一种猎取,通过阅读,人们可猎取到不可或缺的精神食粮。有了它,人才会健康成长;阅读是一种咀嚼,通过阅读,人们可咀嚼隐匿于文字中的苦辣酸甜。有了它,人才能学会坚强;阅读是一种倾听,通过阅读,人们可倾听到亘古至今的不同声音。有了它,人才不会迷失方向;阅读是一种欣赏,通过阅读,人们可欣赏到前所未见的旖旎风光。有了它,人的生活才会充满阳光……    英语阅读除具有上述功效外,还有其独特的一面,那就是强化语言基础、提升英语水平。然而,在浩若烟海的英语阅读材料中,有哪些适合你或是你的首选呢?恐怕不同的人依据不同的需求会有不同的回答。不过,有一点是共同的,即每位读者都会选择自认为好的英语阅读材料。






  The making of a writerSociety and theatricalsIn his Memoir of Jane Austen, Edward Austen-Leigh planted the tradition, subscribed to bymost twentieth-century critics and biographers,that Austen the novelist, was substantially cre-ated at home. Thanks to tuition by her fatherand brothers, Jane was exposed as a child tothe eighteenth-century essayists Joseph Addison,Richard Steele, and Samuel Johnson and to thenovelists Samuel Richardson and Fanny Burney.It is probably true that the clarity, sharpness,and wit of the prose of Austens juvenilia indi-cate attentive reading in the centurys stylists, agood ear for the balance of a sentence, and soundregard for verbal economy. Her seniors did right by her on these counts, but they cannot have done everything. Austens immersion in contem- porary popular fiction began at school and was equally fundamental. At the Abbey House School she amused herself as her socially mixed class mates did in following the adventures and trials of modern woman, as these were purveyed most readily and cheaply in a handful of specialist mag azines, such as George Robinsons monthly miscellany, the Ladys Magazine (established 177o). In his first issue Robinson boasted that he catered for the widest possible range of taste, status, and income, from a duchess to a newly literate housemaid. In each issue from a quarter to a third of the space was likely to be occupied by fiction, much of it sent in by readers, who might set theirnarratives in stylized exotic worlds or in common domestic life among the middling sort. But the standard plotline for most longer fiction, whether published in multi-volume book form or serial ized in a magazine, was the courtship~~ of lovers of unequal rank and means, involving the woman particularly in picaresque adventures and trials, with a happy ending always in jeopardy from.


  《名人:奥斯丁》由上海译文版社出版。名人传记,专家执笔;材料真实,妙趣横生;语言地道,原汁原味;注释简明,通俗易懂。  上海译文出版社与牛津大学出版社联袂推出牛津名人传记丛书,从莎翁到丘吉尔,从达尔文到牛顿,可谓群星璀璨,读之令人受益匪浅、难以释卷……




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用户评论 (总计10条)


  •   作者玛里琳.巴特勒是英国浪漫主义文学研究的专家,也是奥斯汀专家,是值得购买的一本书。
  •   很不错,带着十分方便
  •   还行 简单 明了 比较满意
  •   一开始看到这本书的时候,很是激动,因为是奥斯汀的传记,也因为相当便宜的价格。等拿到手时才发现这本书是全英文版的,只是在一些人名、地名和著作名上有注解。薄薄的一本书,适合随身携带,在对提高英语阅读和加深对奥斯汀的认识上都有所帮助!
  •   书很好,是全英文版,可以锻炼英语哈
  •   没注意是英文的不过还不错
  •   书看起来很薄,但是我看了很久都看不完,哈哈!
  •   有关与奥斯丁的生平介绍什么的比较全,对论文有点帮助
  •   可能是篇幅受限,关于奥斯丁的生平介绍都比较简单,对于写论文没什么参考价值,但要对她进行初步了解还是挺有用的
  •   人物传记整的跟说明书似的,实在无趣

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