
出版时间:2012-7  出版社:浙江教育出版社  作者:张健  页数:90  




1 Coffee problem2 What's your name? 3 Six or twelve 4 A thank you letter5 Jimmy is late6 A pet dog for Mike 7 I can't find my friends8 Little Deer and his father 9 Mistake10 A telemarketer11 Where is the egg? 12 Give me a dime13 Why not count tomorrow morning?14 Are flies yummy? 15 Good news and bad news 16 You've broken your finger!17 We borrow it from our neighbours18 I can go home now19 Nothing on the paper20 Like my father's21 The wind and the sun22 Fast food restaurants23 The rooster and the fox24 A clever answer 25 The monster 26 Don't be late for class27 What are they?28 City Mouse and Country Mouse29 I want to be an astronaut30 Which is more important?31 A funny story about my uncle32 On Monkey island33 No driver34 Parents' meeting35 Bedtime prayers 36 Spring or fall37 You can't go without me38 Funny clouds39 A new baby40 David has a new bell!41 A hole in the tooth42 Two birds43 The name of a woman44 One more father45 Why are the hens' legs so short?46 A busy day47 I like this spring!48 Green's dream49 The thirsty crow50 If I am a president51 Spot visits grandparents52 Lucky numbers53 A clever dog54 An old deaf lady55 Columbus' telephone number56 It's not a gun57 Pig or witch58 To be polite……参考答案与译文



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