
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:辽宁教育出版社  作者:钟山 编  页数:252  




Unit 1 How do you study for a test?Section A英汉对译知能剖析Section B英汉对译知能剖析Section C Self Check & Reading英汉对译知能剖析精题精练语法专项Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the darkSection A英汉对译知能剖析Section B英汉对译知能剖析Section C Self Check & Reading英汉对译知能剖析精题精练语法专项Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Section A英汉对译知能剖析Section B英汉对译知能剖析Section C Self Check & Reading英汉对译知能剖析精题精练语法专项Unit 4 What would you do?Section A英汉对译知能剖析Section B英汉对译知能剖析Section C Self Check & Reading英汉对译知能剖析精题精练语法专项Unit 5 It must belong to CarlaSection A英汉对译知能剖析Section B英汉对译知能剖析Section C Self Check英汉对译知能剖析精题精练语法专项Review of units l-5英汉对译Unit 6 I like music that I can danceSection A英汉对译知能剖析Section B英汉对译知能剖析Section C Self Check & Reading英汉对译知能剖析精题精练语法专项Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?Section A英汉对译知能剖析Section B英汉对译知能剖析Section C Self Check &.Reading 英汉对译知能剖析精题精练语法专项Unit 8 1'11 help elean up the city parksSection A英汉对译知能剖析Section B英汉对译知能剖析Section C Self Check & Reading英汉对译知能剖析精题精练语法专项Unit 9 When was it invented?Section A英汉对译知能剖析Section B英汉对译知能剖析Section C Self Check&Reading英汉对译知能剖析精题精练语法专项Unit 10 By the time I got outside,the bus had already leftSection A英汉对译知能剖析Section B英汉对译知能剖析Section C Self Check英汉对译知能剖析精题精练语法专项Review of units 6-10英汉对译附录 嘻哈速记(Units 1-8)嘻哈速记(Units 9-10)教材习惯答案


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