
出版时间:2010-3  出版社:嘉华集团企业事务部 上海三联书店 (2010-03出版)  作者:嘉华集团企业事务部  页数:392  


Ancient Chinese identified “four beauties”for a happy and peaceful life:the beautyof pleasant moments,the beauty of fine sights,the beauty at heart and the beauty ofanything that is enjoyable.Much the better if such beauties are being shared betweenrefined and understanding minds.As a tertiary educator,I have had the privilege ofgetting acquainted with prominent figures in political,business and academic fields.I take great pleasure in merely reminiscing the hours spent with these esteemedpersonalities,especially those with acknowledged contributions to the common good.In this regard,Dr Che-WOO Lui undoubtedly stands out among others.I crossed path with Dr Lui at a dinner reception hosted by Madam State CouncilorLiu Yandong,in her capacity as the leader of China Overseas Friendship Association,during the 9th Chinese People'S Political Consultative Conference CCPPCC”)heldin 1 998.It was shortly after Hong Kong’S return to China,and 1 was moved by thegenuine patriotism and aspiring hopes expressed in his speech,placid and with utmos sincerity.In the years that followed,we met more often during CPPCC meetings and were engaged in further encounters later in Shanghai when Dr Lui expanded hisb11sineSS in Mainland China.




目录王生洪教授序刘遵义校长序吕志和博士序漫说吕志和第一章 主席寄语一、德、智、体、群、美 和谐幸福之基础二、策略清晰坚毅踏实长远致胜之道三、聆听与沟通——不可或缺的领导才能四、续谈智、仁、勇五、金融海啸之反思六、平衡就是快乐 心车便是富足七、薪火相传  并肩前进八、集团踏入新时代  齐心迈向新里程九、优化企业架构  革新管理制度十、任善求精、赏罚分明、问责有道之管理机制十一、居安思危,思则有备,有备无患十二、回望昨日,“信守今天,实现未来”十三、信息科技与管理智慧十四、发展强势嘉华品牌 集团长远竞争命脉十五、强化管治  势在必行 企业家族 协力同心第二章 人生哲学自力更生·励志力行灵活创新·与时俱进中庸处世·知足常乐坦诚沟通·互惠共存第三章 管理心得管理哲学·用人艺术生意策略·双赢之道第四章  经济观点楼价起落·民生所依酒店旅业·经济中坚附录(一)复旦大学「复旦嘉华日」吕志和博士访谈会节录附录(二)香港中文大学EMBA「舆CEO对话」节录附录(三)复旦大学EMIIA课程大师论坛附录(四)吕志和简介附录(五)嘉华集团简介


Dear colleagues,Year 2007 is approaching;in retrospect of the past year,I feel proud ofyour hard work dedicated to delivering a good harvest for the Group.Ibelieve we share the same feelings in a process amalgamated with successand failure as well as excitement and dejection.No matter what positionwe are in,we all experience the same process and work towards the samegoal.After all,hard work is the price we pay for successAs the Chairman of a listed group and an investor,I believe in prudenceand ceaseless quest for excellence which are fundamental qualities of beinga leader and a socially responsible person.In corporate perspective,I thinkleadership is not a personal affair but a commitment to ensuring efficiencyand effectiveness,as well as balancing the interests in every possible aspect.Sometimes we are envious at other people's success,and thought it wasa matter of luck.Luck may be a factor occasionally when you catch on afavourable trend to achieve short——term fortune and success but long——termsuccess and survival can never count on pure luck.Rather.hard work anddedication are the key.






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