
出版时间:2002-6  出版社:天津科技翻译出版公司  作者:Josef E.Fischer  页数:2223  


The first edition of Mastery of Surgery was published in 1984, and two subsequent editions, with substantial revisions, as well as new groups of authors in each instance, followed. This text has achieved acceptance in the broadest sense by the surgical community, far beyond the expectations of Drs.Nyhus and Baker when the first edition was in its formative stage. This, the fourth edition, reflects the extraordinary progress-indeed, evolution of surgical knowledge and technique in the 17 years that have elapsed since the first edition was published. The most remarkable advance has been the advent and development of minimally invasive surgery, which, in addition to helping to revitalize general surgery, has already radically changed the nature of general and thoracic surgery and promises to continue to expand the scope of operations done with these techniques in the abdomen, chest, and neck well beyond that which has already occurred at this writing.


本书是一部面向21世纪的临床外科学巨著,内容翔实丰富,观点新颖,结构严谨,论述全面系统,突出介绍了现代外科学新知识、新理论、新技术及新方法,符合当前实际工作的需要,具有学术和应用双重价值。除介绍基础临床外科理论外,还针对临床上遇到的各种情况各予了科学、权威的指导。 在过去的20年中,《临床外科学》成为了一部重要的参考资料,影响了两代临床外科医生。本书第四版的问世,足以说明其临床应用的价值,本书无疑为国内消化道内窥镜技术的临床使用提供了国际上最新的前沿资料。


作者:(美国)贝克 (Robert J.Baker) (美国)费希尔 (Josef E.Fischer) Robert J.Baker(贝克),Professor and Vice Chairman, Department of Surgery, University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois.    Josef E.Fischer(费希尔),Mallinckrodt Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School; Chief of Surgery, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts.


编著者前言第1卷   第1篇 外科患者的围手术期护理    1 创伤和感染时的代谢反应    2 患者的准备    3 营养评估和静脉内的营养支持    4 肠内营养支持    5 心血管监测和支持    6 呼吸衰竭和通气支持      专门的注释:急性肺损害、机械通气和通气支持的撤除    7 出血性并发症及其预防:血液成分及其在治疗中的应用    8 围手术期抗菌素预防法    9 多器官功能障碍综合征:发病机制、预防和处理    10 获得性免疫缺陷并发症的处理  第2篇 基本手术技能:新的和正涌现的技术    11 腹壁切开和修复    12 胃肠道手术的缝合器闭合技术    13 术中和腹腔镜超声:用途非常广泛的外科工具    14 电烙器、氩束凝固、冷冻疗法及其他止血与组织分离器械    15 上、下胃肠道内镜检查和内镜逆行性胆胰管造影术    16 微创外科:腹腔镜和胸腔镜技术    17 血管内外科的新技术    18 应用皮瓣技术组织重建术  第3篇 头和颈    19 腮腺、下颌三角和口底的解剖学    20 腮腺    21 下颌下腺和舌下腺的手术    22 舌和唇的外科解剖学    23 唇重建术    24 治疗口部癌症的半侧舌切除术、口底切除术和下颌骨切除术    25 颈部解剖学:颈前和颈外侧三角    26 根治性颈清扫术    27 先天性损害:甲状腺舌管囊肿和鳃裂异常    28 儿童期的血管损害    29 颈动脉体瘤    30 治疗癌症的喉、咽切除    31 气管的切除和重建术    32 一般面部损伤的评估和修复    33 颈部穿透伤……第2卷索引


1Metabolic Response to Trauma and InfectionPer-Olof Hasselgren, David R.Fischer, and Timothy A.PrittsTrauma and infection initiate changes in metabolism that can affect virtually all organs and tissues by altering carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism. The metabolic response to injury and sepsis has traditionally been divided into an ebb and a flow phase followed by a convalescence phase. This metabolic pattern is better defined after injury than during sepsis. The metabolic course during sepsis is more convoluted because the septic insult is usually more insidious in its onset and can vary in its duration and intensity. Individuals with severe sepsis or septic shock display many of the characteristics of the ebb phase, whereas patients with amore chronic, less severe sepsis display the hypermetabolism and catabolism of the flow phase (“hypermetabolic sepsis”).





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