
出版时间:2004-5  出版社:广西教育出版社  作者:黄河清  页数:237  字数:200000  


本丛书针对学生在学习中遇到的问题和困难等进行精心的剖析,旨在让学生明白在学习过程中为什么会出现这样的认知错误,怎样去发现产生错误的原因,进而扶正纠错,使学生加深对基础知识的理解,从而提高学习的能力。本丛书分三个层面进行分类指导:    [知识误区]着重从各单元知识易产生认识偏差的问题入手,帮助学生深化对基础知识的理解。    [解题误区]根据学生做题中出现的典型错误进行剖析,既指明错误,又找出问题的症结所在,对症下药。    [突破误区演练]每个单元后都配有一定数量的练习,进行有针对性的防错演练,并附答案或提示。    本丛书以人民教育出版社出版的初中教材内容为基础,兼顾各版本教材的重点内容,力求与学生学习同步。


Unit 1 Welcome back!Unit 2 What are we going to do?Unit 3 Autumn festivalsUnit 4 On the farmUnit 5 Shall we go to the zoo?Unit 6 Find the right place!Unit 7 Mainly revisionUnit 8 I was not here yesterdayUnit 9 The memory robotUnit 10 The Swedish rock bandUnit 11 Dates,months and seasonsUnit 12 What's the weather like?Unit 13 Come to the partyUnit 14 Mainly revisionUnit 15 What do people eat?Unit 16 What a good/kind girl!Unit 17 You must be more careful!Unit 18 Seeing the doctorUnit 19 A visit to an islandUnit 20 Mainly revisionUnit 21 She targht gerselfUnit 22 The sports meetingUnit 23 A famous personUnit 24 What were they doing?Unit 25 The accidentUnit 26 Mainly revision



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