
出版时间:2013-2  出版社:海南出版社  作者:[美] 唐纳德·叶纳  译者:任静 注释  




The Path to Your Ideal Career, provides diverse job seekers with the essential resources and techniques to develop a career plan, conduct a successful job search, and succeed in a diverse workplace. Whether your students are seeking an internship or co-op job, first position after graduation, or a career transition, Career Directions will prepare students to stand out in the changing workplace! Students in career schools, colleges, community colleges, and universities can all benefit from using this book in career development courses and career workshops. Career Directions can also be used independently for those who want to direct their own career planning and job search efforts.
With over 30 years of experience in career development and human resources, Donna Yena brings a practitioner’s perspective to Career Directions. Her experience as Vice President of Career Development and Alumni Relations at Johnson & Wales University, along with her background as a manager, instructor, and curriculum designer, contribute to the advice and techniques offered in this text. More than just a text on job searches and career planning, Career Directions provides instruction and resource materials that will help you find your internship or co-op job, first position after graduation, or guide you through a career transition.




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