
出版时间:2006-7  出版社:上海外教  作者:茆卫彤 著  页数:134  字数:224000  


  《大学英语》是遵照1986年国家教委审定的《大学英语教学大纲(文理科本科用)》编写的一套系列教材,分精读、泛读、听说、快速阅读和语法与练习五种教程,由全国六所重点大学合作编写。教材于1986年出版试用本,1992年出版正式本,并于同年9月荣获全国高等学校第二届优秀教材特等奖,以及国家教委高等学校第二届优秀教材一等奖。  1998年,在广泛征求意见的基础上,《大学英语》系列教材根据《大学英语教学大纲(高等学校本科用)》进行了第一次修订。修订本更加注意文、理、工、农、医等各科的通用性,力求给学生打好“宽、厚、牢”的语言基础。  为了推进大学英语教学改革,适应社会各界对大学生英语能力的要求,教育部于2004年颁布了《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》(以下简称《课程要求》)。遵照《课程要求》对大学英语提出的教学目标,即“培养学生的英语综合应用能力”,编者于2004年决定对教材进行第二次修订,以满足新时期国家和社会对人才培养的需要。  本次修订原则:  1.教材的定位不变。《大学英语》是综合教育型(English for integrative purposes)而非特殊目的型(English for specific purposes)的教材,旨在帮助大学本科各专业学生进一步打下扎实的语言基础。  2.选材原则不变。正因为《大学英语》是综合教育型的,选材必须做到题材广泛,体裁多样,语言规范,有利于打好语言基础。选材遵循三性原则,即趣味性、知识性、可思性,以激发学生学习英语的兴趣。  3.在更新课文时注意经典性与时代性的融合,科普性与文学性的融合,使选文内容经得起时间考验,文字经得起反复咀嚼。这两个融合是教材可教性与可学性的保证,也是教材生命力之所在。  4.本次修订按照《课程要求》所提出的培养“英语综合应用能力”这一目标,着重考虑增强听与说的训练,提高听与说尤其是说的要求。


本教材是教育部推荐使用大学外语类教材,全国高等学校第二届优秀教材特等奖,国家教委高等学校第二届优秀教材一等奖。    《大学英语》系列教材的再修订,以《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》为依据,历经三年调研,汲取全国数百所高校师生的建议和意见,旨在发扬我国大学英语教学的优良传统,推广成功经验,为新时期人才培养再作贡献。 本书为第3册教师用书,在第一次修订的基础上进一步选用时代感较强、故事情节动人的文章取代内容相对陈旧的课文。丰富了练习类型(如增加了词汇练习和翻译练习),以帮助学生在提高阅读理解能力的同时适当扩大词汇量。


UNIT ONE  1.Speech versus Silence  2.Why Not Speed Up Your Reading?  3.Help!A HomecomingUNIT TWO  4.News of the Engagement  5.The Lucky Archaeologist  6.The Story of JazzUNIT THREE  7.Reading for A’s  8.Detour to Romance  9.The Sixth SenseUNIT FOUR  10.Long Walk to Forever  12.Never Trust AppearancesUNIT FIVE  13.The Gift of Understanding  14.I Thought about This Girl  15.Exercise and HealthTEST PAPER ONEUNIT Six  16.Why History?  17.Death and Taxes  18.The Hidden Truth about Japan’s Unit 731UNIT SEVEN  19.The Sacrifice at Masada  20.My Sixth Christmas  21.Make Today CountUNIT EIGHT  22.Richard Nixon’s Childhood  23.Picnic in the Dining Room  24.Mr. Worker and Mr. GuestUNIT NINE  25.Should We Allow Curiosity to Kill the Cat?  26.A Story of the West  27.The Model MillionaireUNIT TEN  28.The Most Unforgettable Character I've Met  29.Passing Trains  30.Discovery of a FatherTEST PAPER TWOKEY TO TEST YOURSELF(1) AND (2)


  2.The teacher may ask the students to tell the meaning of the title. Ask the whole classwhat the gift is referred to. The candies and the small change given by Mr. Wigden andthe fish and two pennies given by the author are a kind of the gift of understanding, asthe two adults understand the simplicity and innocence of the children. The kiss fromhis wife may be also a gift of understanding, as she appreciates her husbands action.The "gift" of understanding may refer to a natural ability to understand others, like the gift of music or the gift for language. However, the most important gift of understand-ing is the influence of Mr. Wigden on the author. What the old man had done to the child taught the author to understand the innocence of the children and had the author realize the power of the grown-up to preserve or destroy that innocence. The gift of un-derstanding was passed on from generation to generation of human being. The teacher should also help the students understand the innocence of the child by pointing out the fact that for the little child the cherry seeds were so valuable that he wrapped them carefully with shining tinfoil. He wanted to use his treasure to "buy" candies and make a fair exchange.  3.There are minute descriptions of psychological activities in the story. For example, to decide what kind of candy to choose puts the little boy in a dilemma. The short pang of regret, the decision and indecision are true reflection of whats going on in a childsmind when facing "such an array of delicious temptations". But in other places where there are important psychological activities, the author is more sparing of words. Ask the students what Mr. Wigden might be thinking when the little boy handed him the cherry seeds and what the author might be thinking when he looked at the coins in his hand. Considering that both were small businessmen, it is difficult to make the kind ot decisions they made.


  教材的再修订,以《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》为依据,历经三年调研,汲取全国百所高校师生的建议和意见,旨在发扬我国大学英语教学的优良传统,推广成功经验,为新时期人才培养再作贡献。  融合传统与现代教学理念:强调打好扎实语言基本功,突出综合应用能力的提高;  发挥综合优势,完善原有体系:大幅度、全方位修订《精读》、《泛读》、《听力》、预备级《泛读》、预备级《听力》,重编《快读阅读》、预备级《精读》,删繁就简《语法与练习》;  调整起点,充实优化素材:1800词起点(预备级1300词);选材全面完备,经典性与现代性、文学性与科普性完美匹配;  革新练习,五种技能并重:阅读材料丰富多彩,听力训练形式多样,词汇练习注重复现,语法操练循序渐进,翻译训练实用全面,口语活动精彩纷呈,写作训练由浅入深,四、六级口、笔试中学生常犯的语言错误讲解分析精辟实用;  辅以现代教育技术手段,充分满足教学需要:同步推出与纸质教材配套的电子教案和学生学习光盘,帮助教师构建新型的课堂教学模式,为学生创造自主式、交互式的学习环境。



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