
出版时间:2008-6  出版社:上海外教  作者:迈耶  页数:168  


  When someone is referred to as a "corpus linguist," it is tempting to think of this individual as studying language within a particular linguistic paradigm, corpus linguistics, on par with other paradigms within linguistics, such as sociolinguistics or psycholinguistics. However, if the types of linguistic analyses that corpus linguists conduct are examined, it becomes quite evident that corpus linguistics is more a way of doing linguistics, "a methodology-cal basis for pursuing linguistic research" (Leech 1992: 105), than a separate paradigm within linguistics.To understand why corpus linguistics is a methodology, it is first of all necessary to examine the main object of inquiry for the corpus linguist: the linguistic corpus. Most corpus linguists conduct their analyses giving little thought as to what a corpus actually is. But defining a corpus is a more interesting question than one would think. A recent posting on the "Corpora" list inquired about the availability of an online corpus of proverbs (Manias 2000). l This message led to an extensive discussion of how a corpus should be defined. Could something as specific as a computerized collection of proverbs be considered a corpus, or would the body of texts from which the proverbs were taken be a corpus and the proverbs themselves the result of a corpus analysis of these texts?


  进入21世纪以来,国际上的语言学研究发展迅速,研究范围更为宽广,研究方法更为多样,研究课题也日趋深入。为方便国内读者及时了解国际语言学研究的动态和成果,外教社组织出版了这套全新的精品原版学术系列——“外教社21世纪语言学新发展丛书”,奉献给广大读者。  本套丛书是外教社与多家著名的学术出版机构合作,从众多新近出版的语言学研究专著中精心挑选引进出版的优秀之作。丛书是一个开放的系列,外教社将不断引进国外的语言学新作,及时反映语言学在新世纪的新发展、新趋势和新成果。这套丛书的出版能够为国内外的语言学研究搭建起交流的新桥梁,进一步推动我国语言学研究的发展。


Preface1 Corpus analysis and linguistic theory2 Planning the construction of a corpus3 Collecting and computerizing data4 Annotating a corpus5 Analyzing a corpus6 Future prospects in corpus linguisticsAppendix 1 Corpus resourcesAppendix 2 Concordancing programsReferencesIndex


  l Corpus analysis and linguistic theory  When the first computer corpus, the Brown Corpus, was being created in the early 1960s, generative grammar dominated linguistics, and there was little tolerance for approaches to linguistic study that did not adhere to what generative grammarians deemed acceptable linguistic practice. As a con-sequence, even though the creators of the Brown Corpus, W. Nelson Francis and Henry Kucera, are now regarded as pioneers and visionaries in the corpuslinguistics community, in the 1960s their efforts to create a machine-readable corpus of English were not warmly accepted by many members of the linguistic community. W. Nelson Francis (1992: 28) tells the story of a leading generative grammarian of the time characterizing the creation of the Brown Corpuses "a useless and foolhardy enterprise" because "the only legitimate source of grammatical knowledge" about a language was the intuitions of the native speaker, which could not be obtained from a corpus. Although some linguists still hold to this belief, linguists of all persuasions are now far more open to the idea of using linguistic corpora for both descriptive and theoretical studies of language. Moreover, the division and divisiveness that has characterized the relationship between the corpus linguist and the generative grammarian rest son a false assumption: that all corpus linguists are descryptivists, interested only in counting and categorizing constructions occurring in a corpus, and that all generative grammarians are theoreticians unconcerned with the data on which their theories are based. Many corpus linguists are actively engaged in issues of language theory, and many generative grammarians have shown an increasing concern for the data upon which their theories are based, even though data collection remains at best a marginal concern in modern generative theory.






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