
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:陈洁,毛梅兰 主编,唐沛 等编  页数:192  


本书秉承首版教材的优良传统,继承兼收并蓄的折中主义教学理念,参照《大学英语课程教学要求》修订,更加贴近教学实际,更有效提升学习者语言综合应用能力,更好满足新时期人才培养需要。为帮助学生更全面地掌握教材内容,及时强化所学知识,上海外语教育出版社同时组织了对原配套教辅《一课一练》的修订,配合修订后的((综合教程》使用。本套《一课一练》围绕教材中要求掌握的语言点设计与编写,帮助学生复习、消化刚学过的内容,从而达到熟练应用的目的。  书中练习题型与大学英语四、六级考试新题型类似,帮助学生提前了解并适应四、六级考试;并强化了听力、翻译等专项内容。全书共有10套练习题,其中8套为单元练习,2套为阶段测试。


Unit 1 Growing UpUnit 2 FriendshipUnit 3 Understanding ScienceUnit 4 The American DreamTest Yourself (Units 1-4)Unit 5 Work to Live or Live to WorkUnit 6 RomanceUnit 7 Animal IntelligenceUnit 8 Educational ProblemsTest Yourself (Units 5-8)Key to ExercisesTape Scaipts


  We are all members of different clubs.Our family is a club,our church is a club,our place of employment is even a club.In some sense we“belong”to each of these、clubs bv choice-we choose whom to marry,where to worship,and where to work because we identify with the people in them in some form or fashion.1 was on the East Coast recently and saw a tourist sporting a sweatshirt from my high school across the country.I quite naturally struck up a conversafion with her,as we were part of the salne club.  Auto brands generate a great sense of be longing.Ever spoken to a BMW enthusiast about his loyalty to the brand?It’Spowerful.Saturn and Volkswagen are two other automakers t11at have historically done a good job of creating a sense of belonging around their brands. What drives this’Sense of belonging?Arguably the most important factor in branding:relevance.Brands that generate the strongest sense of tribal identity are SO relevant to the wants and needs of their customers that they generate a natural gravitational pull.This is what customer loyaltyprograms attempt to generate,but you Can’t buy a sense of belonging.It’s like offering to take someone to the movies if they purchase your ticket.Companionship,yes,but friendship?Hardly.Which 1eads to characteristic No.2.Friendship  “The only way to have a friend is to be one.”The great brands understand this.Starbucks.for example,for many people,their morning appointment with Starbucks is like visiting with at rusted old friend——familiar and comfortable.



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  •   太快了,才买第三天就到了~而且书也很好,我想我一定会再光顾。
  •   辅导书,帮助学业,提高本领,掌握知识。
  •   专业课的书,跟学校发的一样··
  •   一般。。就是价格有点小贵
  •   上课要用,挺好的呀!
  •   总体不错,值得购买~

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