
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:张春柏 主编  页数:200  




Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Unit 10
Unit 11
Unit 12
Unit 13
Unit 14


  With hope of finding more survivors ofTurkey's devastating earthquake now all but gone,the Turkish authorities are turning their attention to caring for those who have survived.  A full-scale relief effort in the area hit by the earthquake is finally beginning after daysof confusion. Turkish and foreign volunteers have been joined by soldiers and the police, andheavy equipment has been moved to almost every damaged.town.  Soldiers were visible on the streets of those towns, collecting refuse, keeping spectatorsaway from dangerous sites. Military trucks and jeeps moved through the streets. A lot of heavyequipment was sent by nearby cities and private companies.  Divers searched the waters of the Sea of Marmara and reported that they had found morethan 150 bodies. Most had apparently lived in homes facing the sea, which lies at the center ofthe earthquake zone.  The Minister of Housing estimated that 60,000 buildings had been either destroyed or seriously damaged in the quake. Within a few days, many of the homeless would be moved out ofthe fields and tents where they were now living. Some were to be given huts, and otherswould have rooms in unused hotels. Temporary housing compounds would be set up, taking into account the desire ofthe homeless atizens to remain close to the areas where they lived.  By one count, 42 countries and 38 international organizations have sent aid to TurkeyMore than 3,000 American sailors and marines aboard three warships with medical supplies were expected to arrive early.  ……



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