英语 5

出版时间:2011-7  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:黄源深,朱钟毅 主编  页数:386  




Leeson One
Leeson Two
Leeson Three
Leeson Four
Leeson Five
Leeson six
Leeson seven
Leeson Eight
Leeson Nine
Leeson Ten
Leeson Eleven
Leeson Twelve
Leeson Thitreen
Leeson Fifteen
Leeson Sixteen
Leeson Seventeen
Leeson Eighteen


  The“what”clause is an effective means of lending punchto a sentence and reinforcing a contrast.For example,thefollowing sentence is not particularly forceful: Alfred Nobel hoped to be remembered for his peace prize,not for his invention of dynamite. But if it is transformed with the use of a“what”clause,the sentence will become more emphatic,the contrast more striking: What Alfred Nobel hoped to be remembered for was his peace prize,not his invention of dynamite.attention:The French word attention contaias the meaning of“look out”,while the English word attention doesn’t.M’sieur:the elliptical form of the French word“monsieur”,which iS used as a form of polite address to a man Madame:a French word which iS used as a form of polite address to a woman Mademoiselle:a French word which is used as a form of polite address to an,unmarried girl or woman AIl the three French words Monsieur,Madame and Mademoi.selle can be used by themselves without having to go witha surname.But the English words Mr.,Mrs,and Misscan’t be used that way.prisoners of the language:persons confined by the limita.tions of the languageCan we not begin to imagine how near to despair thesepeople must come who almost never find the word theyare hunting for?   ……



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  •   英语专业大三精读教材,老师让买的,内容都是名人名著,深入学习对英语提高很有帮助
  •   比我校的综英教材还要好,适合师范类的学生学习研究。
  •   课后习题没答案
  •   有一点皱褶,总体来说还不错
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