
出版时间:2013-1  出版社:比林斯、比林斯 (Henry Billings)、比林斯 (Melissa Billings)、 齐航 吉林出版集团有限责任公司 (2013-01出版)  作者:杨挺扬 译 (美)比林斯(Henry Bi  页数:159  译者:杨挺扬  




作者:(美国)比林斯(Henry Billings)(美国)比林斯(Melissa Billings) 译者:杨挺扬


飞来横祸——隧道里的天灾 墓地奇谈——不朽的哈里·斯皮茨 宝藏诱惑——橡树岛的钱坑 谈狮色变——沙窝的食人魔 致命一瞥——邪恶目光的传说 人工求雨——神奇的降雨先驱 寻人启示——离奇失踪的艾米 麦田怪圈——田地里的神秘图案 古巴偷渡者 活化石 高空坠落 守护天使 电打雷劈 科洛克地:北极的海市蜃楼 鱼类谋杀者 离奇失踪 神秘失踪 塔萨代人真相 遗失的16年


版权页:   插图:   Many of Harry's playmates came to the funeral. Afterwards a horse-drawn carriage took the casket to Oak Grove Cemetery. There an open grave lay waiting. Several feet down was a concrete vault.The casket was lowered into the vault. The engraved plaque was placed on top of the casket. Someone laid a single flower on it. Then workers sealed the vault with a three-inch-thick concrete lid. They shoveled several feet of dirt on top of the vault to fill up the grave. Everyone thought that was the end of Harry Spitz. And for 63 years, it was. But on July 2, 1975, Harry was back in the news. That morning the caretaker of Oak Grove Cemetery saw a small pile of dirt near Harry's tombstone. Walking closer, he saw a bizarre sight. The ground over Harry's grave had buckled. The burial vault was poking up through the grass. The caretaker could see that a corner of the vault had split open, and the lid was resting at an angle. It didn't look like someone had dug up the vault. All the earth had been pushed up from underneath the ground. The caretaker wasn't sure what to think. He wondered if some kids had set off fireworks near the grave. Perhaps one backfired and ruptured the grave. In any case, he called the police. Chief Bennie Palmer and Officer Ralph Chapman took the call. Before seeing the grave, Palmer thought he knew what had happened. From time to time a strange group of people.gathered in the cemetery. They tried to make contact with the spirits of dead people.  哈里的很多玩伴都来参加了葬礼,之后,一辆四轮马车把棺材运送到了橡树林公墓。那里已经给小哈里准备好了一穴打开的墓地——一座位于地下几英尺混凝土制成的墓室。棺材就下放到墓室里,雕刻好的金属饰板被安置到了棺材上面,还有人在上面放了一支花。然后工人们用三英尺厚的混凝土封住了墓室,并且在顶上铲上了几英尺厚的土来填满墓地。 每个人都以为哈里·斯皮茨的一生就这样结束了。但是63年后的1975年了月2日,哈里又回到了公众的视线当中。那天早晨橡树林墓地的看守人发现哈里的墓碑附近出现一小堆土。他走到近前发现了怪异的一幕——哈里墓室上方的土层已经被推到一边,而本来埋在地下的墓室穿透草坪露了出来。看守人还发现墓室的一角已经裂开,墓室的盖子错开了一定的角度搭在上面。看起来并不像是有人挖出了墓室,整个土堆是从地下被推上来的。 看守人对自己的考虑没有把握。他想知道是否是孩子在墓地附近放了烟花爆竹,也许是一枚爆竹炸裂了哈里的墓室。但是不管怎样,他还是给警察打了电话。警长本尼·帕尔默和警官拉尔夫·查普曼接的电话。审查墓地之前,帕尔默认为他知道是怎么一回事,有一群陌生人不时地聚集在公墓附近,他们试图和死人的灵魂进行接触。





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