
出版时间:2000-8  出版社:牛津大学出版社  作者:维索尔伦  页数:300  


What do people do when using language? How exactly is meaning generated when we communicate? And why is so much of what we mean left implicit? Examining the mental and social processes involved in communicating through language, Understanding Pragmatics is a comprehensive introduction to the subject. the book provides an original and systematic outline of the theoretical basis of pragmatics, incorporating its major theoretical perspectives and exploring its methodological issues. and cognitive aspects involved in constructing meaning through language use. Assuming no backgrond in pragmatics, the text provides helpful chapter-by-chapter summaries, suggestions for further reading and research topics for further study. Jef Verschueren is a Senior Research Associate of the Fund for Scientific Research. Flanders, affiliated with the University of Antwerp where he directs the research Center of the International Pragmatics Association.


王宗炎序导读AcknowledgementsPrefaceIntroductionPart I The pragmatic perspective Introduction 1 Language and language use 2 Key notionsPart II Aspects of the meanignful functioning of langrage 3 Context 4 Structure 5 Dynamics 6 SaliencePart III Topics and trends 7 Micropragmatic issues 8 Macropragmatic issues 9 The pramatic landscapeBibliographyIndex文库索引




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  •   语用学新解一书详尽阐述了Jef的顺应理论,从全新视角来看待动态翻译,这对我的毕业论文的写作很有裨益,开拓了论文写作的新思路,并提供了自己探索的空间。全书虽是英文,但用心看完,只觉受益匪浅。

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