
出版时间:2001-12  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:[美] 史密斯著  页数:277  


Noam Chomsky is one of the leading intellectual figures of modern times.He has had a major influence on linguistics,psychology and philosophy,and a significant effect on a range of other disciplines from anthropology to mathematics,education to literary criticism.    In this rigorous yet accessible account of Chomsky's work and influence,Neil Smith analyses Chomsky's key contributions to the study of language and the study of mind.He gives a detailed and partly historical exposition of Chomsky's linguistic theorizing,and examines the ideas for which he is best known.Smith discusses the psychological and philosophical implications of Chomsky's work,and argues that he has fundamentally changed the way we think of ourselves,gaining a position in the history of ideas on a par with that of Darwin of Descartes.Finally,he examines Chomsky's political ideas and how these fit intellectually with his scholarly work.Smith argues that,despite Chomsky's own disavowal of any very close connection,there are fundamental ideas of rationality,creativity and modularity that draw together the disparate strands of his vast output.Throughout,Smith explores the coutroversy surrounding Chomsky's work,and explains why he has been both adulated and vilified.    This much needed book will be welcomedby a wide range of readers:students and researchers in linguistics,philosophy,psychology,cognitive science and politics,and anyone with an interest in the impact of Chomsky's work.


Neil Smith is Professor and Head of Linguistics at University College London.He is the author of An Outline Grammar of Nupe;The Acquisition of Phonology;Modern Linguistics;Reflections on Language;The Mind of a Savant,and he has edited a volume o


王宗炎序沈家煊序导读AcknowledgmentsIntroductionChapter 1  The mirror of the mind  Linguistics as a science  Modularity  Competence and performanceChapter 2  The linguistic foundation  Introduction  Knowledge of laguage  The lexion  Knowledge of languae:structural relations  Know ledge of language:structural relations  Levels of representation  Constituents and rules  Deep structure  Description Versus explanation  Government and Binding theory  Empty categories  The status of transformations  Principles and parameters  Lexical and functional categories  Minimalism  A historical progression  EvolutionChapter 3  Psychological realityChapter 4  Philosophical realism:commitments and controversiesChapter 5  Language and freedomConclusionEnvoiNotes and referencesBibliographyIndex文库索引




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