
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:外语教学与研究  作者:格朗热  页数:219  




List of contributorsPrefaceSylviane Granger, Jacques Lerot & Stephanie Perch-TysonⅠ. Theoretical Approaches The corpus approach: a common way forward for Contrastive Linguistics and Translation Studies? Sylviane Granger Contrastive linguistics and corpora Stig Johansson Corpora and Translation Studies Sara LaviosaⅡ. Corpus-based Case Studies On the middle construction in English and Dutch Kristin Davidse & Liesbet Heyvaert English gerund clauses and Norwegian det + infinitive / at clause constructions Andre Hantson Flemish Sign Language and Dutch: Syntactic differences due to a different modality as exemplified in reference tracking Mieke Van Herreweghe & Myriam Vermeerbergen Loss and gain in English translations of the French imparfait Hdlbne Chuquet A prototype based approach to the translation of Malay and English idioms Jonathan Charteris-Black Nonfinite constructions in Finnish children's literature: Features of translationese contradicting translation universals? Tiina PuurtinenⅢ. Cross-linguistic Tools and Applications Parallel concordancing and its applications Philip King Corpus-based applications for translator training: Exploring the possibilities Lynne Bowker Teaching English verbs with bilingual corpora: Examples in the field of computer science Natalie Kubler & Pierre-Yves Foucou Towards a new dictionary of idioms Elizabeth Dawes




    基于语料库的语言对比和翻译研究 PDF格式下载

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  •   该书涉及到了语料库与语言学、翻译的理论与实务以及语料库具体检索技术等10余篇文章,但是个人感觉讲解的不够深入,作为入门书或者了解一下语料库还是不错的。
  •   这本书是语料库语言学和翻译的结合,作为入门知识来说还是不错的
  •   语料库的书很好
  •   比某些中国学者的对比语言学的书籍要好得多,例子很多。
  •   作为教师研究资料
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  •   讲解很详细,值得购买!
  •   语料库翻译方面的好书
  •   英文原版书,有些文章涉及到了French, Dutch,不过有英文翻译,全部内容还需仔细阅读
  •   一般上过这门课后,再好好根据书所配光盘琢磨,效果比较理想

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