
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:米特科夫 编  页数:784  


  Computational Linguistics is an interdisciplinary field concerned with the process-ing of language by computers. Since machine translation began to emerge somefifty years ago (see Martin Kays introduction below), Computational Linguisticshas grown and developed exponentially. It has expanded theoretically through thedevelopment of computational and formal models of language. In the process it hasvastly increased the range and usefulness of its applications. At a time of continuingand vigorous growth the Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics providesa much-needed reference and guide. It aims to be of use to everyone interested inthe subject, including students wanting to familiarize themselves with its key areas,researchers in other areas in search of an appropriate model or method, and thosealreadyworking in the field who want to discover the latest developments in areasadjacent to their own.  The Handbook is structured in three parts which reflect a natural progression fromtheory to applications.  Part I introduces the fundamentals: it considers, from a computational perspective,the main areas of linguistics such as phonology, morphology, lexicography, syntax,semantics, discourse, pragmatics, and dialogue. It also looks at central issues in math-ematical linguistics such as formal grammars and languages, and complexity.  Part II is devoted to the basic stages, tasks, methods, and resources in and requiredfor automatic language processing. It examines text segmentation, part-of-speechtagging, parsing, word-sense disambiguation, anaphora resolution, natural languagegeneration, speech recognition, text-to-speech synthesis, finite state technology,statistical methods, machine learning, lexical knowledge acquisition, evaluation, sub-languages, controlled languages, corpora, ontologies, and tree-adjoining grammars.  Part III describes the main real-world applications based on ComputationalLinguistics techniques, including machine translation, information retrieval, infor-mation extraction, question answering, text summarization, term extraction, textdata mining, natural language interfaces, spoken dialogue systems, multimodal/multimedia systems, computer-aided language learning, and multilinguai on-linelanguage processing.


本书是一部手册性的计算语言学专著,收录了包括语言学家、计算机专家和语言工程人员在内的50位学者撰写的综述性文章,全面地反映了国外计算语言学主要领域的最新成果,是我们了解国外计算语言学发展动向的一个窗口。     全书各章写作风格一致,内容协调,浑然一体,使用有趣的实例来介绍艰深的技术问题,而且尽量不使用繁难的数学公式,尤其适合文科背景的读者阅读。对于那些对计算语言学感兴趣和刚入门的读者而言,本书也是一本必备的参考书。


Preface Abbreviations Introduction PART I FUNDAMENTALS   1.Phonology  2.Morphology  3.Lexicography  4, Syntax  5.Semantics  6.Discourse  7.Pragmatics and Dialogue  8.Formal Grammars and Languages  9.ComplexityPART II PROCESSES, METHODS, AND RESOURCES   1O.Text Segmentation  11.Part-of-Speech Tagging  12.Parsing  13.Word-Sense Disambiguation  14.Anaphora Resolution  15.Natural Language Generation  16.Speech Recognition  17.Text-to-Speech Synthesis  18.Finite-State Technology  19.Statistical Methods  20.Machine Learning  21.Lexical Knowledge Acquisition  22.Evaluation  23.Sublanguages and Controlled Languages  24.Corpus Linguistics  25.Ontologies  26.Tree-Adjoining GrammarsPART III APPLICATIONSNotes on ContributorsGlossaryIndex of AuthorsSubject Index


  If morphophonological processes in a language are few and local the lemma lexi-con approach can still be successful. In our example it suffices to assume two pluralendings: -s and -es. For all base forms it must be specified whether the former or thelatter of the two endings may be attached.A part from the obvious limitations with regard to the treatment of morphopho-nological rules on a more general scale the approach has some other inherent restric-tions:The algorithm is geared towards analysis. For generation purposes, one needs acompletely different algorithm and data.Interpretation algorithms are language specific because they encode both thebasic concatenation algorithm and the specific exception-handling mechanism.The approach was developed for morphosyntactic analysis. An extension tohandle more generally the segmenting of word forms into morphs is difficult toachieve.




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用户评论 (总计6条)


  •   各篇文章的作者都很有名,介绍了计算语言学的多个方面,是必备参考资料
  •   计算语言学的必读之书
  •   各章节是不同的人写的,但是整体看起来还挺有体系的。
    其实语言学方面的英文比起地质 生物 法律 来说还算是简单的。
  •   该书对语音处理讲解较少,主要内容是自然语言处理和语法处理。适合计算语法学和自然语言处理方面的研究者。
  •   本书各章的作者都是该领域内的国际知名学者,具有权威性。正是由于这个原因,我向大家推荐此书。
  •   计算语言学学习的好参考书,买了还没读,有时间翻翻。

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