
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:哈尔滨工业大学出版社  作者:郑卫 主编  页数:326  字数:292000  


本书介绍了电化学中常用的一些基本概念、基本原理及常用的研究地,如循环伏安法、交流阻抗法、极谱法和脉冲伏安法,并介绍了电化学在腐蚀防护和生物电化学中的应用。  本书可作为电化学专业的本科生教材,也可供从事电化学科学研究的科研工作者和技术人员参考。


1  Introduction 1.1  The Scope of Electrochemistry 1.2  The Nature ofElectrode Reactions 1.3  Thermodynamics and Kinetics 1.4  Methods for Studying Electrode Reactions 1.5  Applications of Eleetroeheraistry2  Introduction to the Fundamental Concepts of Electrochemistry 2.1  Introduction 2.2  Electrochemical Cells and Reactions 2.3  Electron Transfer 2.4  Mass Transport 2.5  The Interaction d Electron Transfer and Mass Transport 2.6  Coupled Chemical Reactions 2.7  Adsorption 2.8  Phase Formation3  Kinetics of Electrode Reactions 3.1  Intnxluefon 3.2 Essentials of Electrode Reactions 3.3  Bufle-Volmer Model of Electrode Kinetics 3.4  Implications of the Butler-Volmer Model for the One-step, One-electron Process 3.5  Multistep Mechanisms4  The Electrical Double Layer 4.1  Introduction 4.2  The Thermodynamics of Charged Interfaces 4.3  The Statute d the Electrical Double Layer 4.4  The Adsorption Isotherm 4.5  The Effect of Doubly Layer Structure on Electrode Kinetics 4.6  Experimental Methods5 Electrodamical Experiments 5.1  Introduction 5.2  Electro& Materials 5.3  The Working Electrode: Preparation and Cleaning 5.4  The CeU: Measurements at Equilibrium 5.5  The Cell: Measurements away from Equilihrium 5.6 Calibration of Electrodes and Cells 5.7  Insmanentation: General 5.8  Analgue Instrumentation6 Potential Sweep Techniques and Cyclic Voltammetry 6.1  Introduction 6.2  Reversible Reactions 6.3  Irreversible Systems 6.4  Coupled Homogeneous Reactions ……7  Polarography and Pulse Voltammetry8  Alternating Current Techniques9  Corrosion10  BioelectrochenistryReferences



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