
出版时间:2008-6  出版社:西安交通大学出版社  作者:李开秦  页数:664  






A.叶轮机械、柴油发动机、壳体、轴承润滑和地球物理流动  A Geometrical Design Method for Blade’S Surface Shape and General  Minimal Surface  Optimal Shape Design for Blade’S Surface of an Impeller Via the Navier-  Stokes Equations   A Dimension Split Method for the 3-D Compressible Navier-Stokes  Equations in Turbomachine  Mathematical Aspect of Optimal Control Finite Element Method for  Navier-Stokes Problems    Mathematical Aspect of the Stream—Function Equations of Compressible  Turbomachinery Flows and Their Finite Element Approximations  Using Optimal Control  柴油发动机排气压力波计算  An Asymptotic Analysis Method for the Linearly Shell Theory  近代梁工程有限元分析  On the Uniqueness of the Unbounded Classical Soultion of the  Evolution System Describing Geophysical Flow within the  Earth and Its Associated Systems  On Existence,Uniqueness and L’-Exponential Starbility for Stationary  Solutions to the M HD Equations in Three-Dimensional Domains  B.近似惯性流形和Naviev-Stokes方法的惯性算法  A New Approximate Inertial Manifold and Associated Algorithm  An AIM and One——Step Newton Method for the Navier——Stokes Equations  Fourier Nonlinear Galerkin Method for Navier——Stokes Equations    时滞惯性流形及近似时滞惯性流形族  N—S方程一般近似惯性流形构造和逼近  N0nlinear Galerkin Method for Navier—Stokes Equations with Stream Form  加罚N—S方程的有限元非线性Galerkin方法  A Small Eddy Correction Method for Nonlinear Dissipative Evolutionary  Equations  Asymptotic Behavior and Time Discretization Analysis for the Non—Stationary  Navier—Stokes Problem  Convergence and Stability of Finite Element Nonlinear Galerkin Method  for the Navier—Stokes Equations   Uniform Attractors of Non—Autonomous Dissipative Semilinear  Wave Equations   无界区域上非自治Navier—Stokes方程的一致吸引子及其维数估计  非光滑区域上非自治Navier—Stokes方程非齐边界问题的吸引子  The Stability of Navier—Stokes Equations and the Estimation of Its  Attractor Dimension  C.外部问题的边界积分方程和有限元耦合方法  The Coupling of Boundary Integral and Finite Element Methods for the  Navier-Stokes Equations in an Exterior Domain  Stokes Coupling Method for the Exterior Flow Part III:Regularity  Coupling Method for the Exterior Stationary Navier—Stokes Equations  Oseen Coupling Method for the   Taylor Expansion Algorithm for the Branching Solution of the Navier  Stokes Equations  Global Bifurcation and Long Time Behavior of The Volterra—Lotka  Ecological Model  Existence and Nonexistence of Global Solutions for the Equation of  Dislocation of Crystals   TB点计算的一个分裂迭代方法  A Splitting Iteration Method for a Simple Corank-2 Bifurcation Problem  Bifurcation Solution Branches and Their Numerical Approximations of a  Semi—Linear Elliptic Problem with two Parameters    On the Solitary Wave Solutions of the CQNLS  On Positive Solutions.of the Lotka—Volterra Cooperating Models with  Diffusion    Navier—Stokes方程的非奇异解分支的谱Galerkin逼近  求解Navier—Stokes方程的非退化转向点的扩充系统的一步牛顿迭代法


  OptimalShapeDesignforBlades  SurfaceofanImpellerViatheNavier-StokesEquations1INTRODUCTION  ShapeDesignforBladesSurfaceofaImpellerisdrivenbytheneedforimprovingperformanceandreliability.Inthispaper,wetrytoproposeaprincipleforafullymathematicaldesignforthesurfaceofthebladeinanimpeller.Weshallapplyoptimalcontroltechniquestofindandoptimalshapebyminimizingafunctionalproposedbyus.PioneeringworkonoptimalshapedesignfortheNavier-Stokes(N-S)equationswascarriedoutbyPironneau,whereattemptsweremadeatdeterminingaminimumdragprofilesubmergedinahomogeneous,steady,viscousfluid.GunzburgerandKimstudiedatwodimensionalchannelflowofastationary,incompressible,viscousfluidtodeterminetheshapeofabumponapartoftheboundarythatminimizedtheviscousdragandshowedtheexistenceofoptimalsolutions.Ton,extendedtheworktoaplanenonstationaryflow.Bynow,manyauthorshavediscussedthecontrolproblemofN-Sequationswhichcanbeusedtotheshapedesigninincompressibleviscousflow.



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