
出版时间:2009-3  出版社:西安交大  作者:王九萍//张锦萍  页数:286  


  新世纪之初,随着英语教育的快速发展,高等学校英语专业学生的入学英语水平在不断提高,这对英语专业教材的时效性和适用性是一种挑战。随着新世纪的到来,中国在文化和经济等领域变化巨大,国际交往越来越多,网络应用不断普及,知识更新周期不断缩短。社会的种种变化也对英语专业的教学与教材建设提出了新的任务。为了顺应时代的进步,满足不断发展的社会对英语人才知识结构的新要求,高等学校英语专业应在继承优秀教材编写传统的前提下,不断创新,推出能够反映新的教学理念、体现新的教学改革成果、富有时代气息和丰富内容、符合英语专业教学实际需要的新教材。基于以上思路,西安外国语大学英文学院将“21世纪英语专业系列教材”列为“十一五”规划教材建设项目,统一策划并组织富有教学经验的教师参与编写。  “21世纪英语专业系列教材”包括英语语音、口语、听力、阅读、写作、翻译、英美文学、语言学、英语国家社会与文化等英语专业必修课程和选修课程使用的教材。本系列教材的编写以高等学校英语专业教学大纲为依据,在全面分析我国中西部地区英语专业学生实际水平和需要的前提下,对每门课程的教材内容进行精心筛选,有针对性地对教材的编排体例进行合理设计。专业基础课程的教材做到有利于学生英语基本功的训练和语言技能的全面发展;相关专业知识课程的教材旨在拓宽学生的知识范围,提高他们的人文素养,培养分析问题、解决问题的能力。




Part 1 The United Kinsdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandUnit 1 Land and PeopleUnit 2 HistoryUnit 3 GovernmentUnit 4 LiteratureUnit 5 EducationUnit 6 Culture and SocietyPart 2 The United States of AmericaUnit 7 Land and PeopleUnit 8 Government and Economic PoliciesUnit 9 EducationUnit 10 Culture and SocietyUnit 11 LiteratureUnit 12 History in BriefBibliosraphy


  Britains vast overseas emnire was now as much a consumer of British manufactured goods as it was a supplier ot 15rltalns raw materials. Steampowered ships made the world a smaller place in the same way that railroads had shrunk the British Isles. Bulk cargoes were now easily moved around the globe, and wealth poured into London and the commercial ports in western Britain. By rough estimates, the per capita wealth of England tripled from 1801 to 1851, a remarkable growth considering that the population doubled.  9. Victorian Era  Queen Victoria ruled Britain from 1837 to 1901. Her reign was the longest of any monarch in British history and came to he known as the Victorian era. As embodied by the monarchy, this era was represented by such 19th-century ideals as devotion to family life, public and private responsibility, and obedience to the law. Under Victoria, the British Empire expanded, and Britain became an increasingly powerful nation.



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