
出版时间:2012-10-01  出版社:王前 大连理工大学出版社 (2012-10出版)  作者:王前 编  页数:243  




Session One : Ethics of ScienceThe Limits of the Scientific(Materialistic) WorldviewJeu-Jenq YUANNResearch Ethics in Modern China-Review and ProspectXiaonan HONG, Lili GUO, Li MAMedical Professionalism and Doctor's Accountability:A Chinese Perspective of A National Survey of PatientsYang YANG, Mingjie ZHAOSession Two : Engineering EthicsHow Should We Accept the American-Style Engineering Ethics?Atsushi FUJIKIThree Intrinsic Ethical Dimensions in TechnologyChengwei WEN, Zhiye GUOThe Practical Approaches to Technology Ethics in the Context ofChinese CultureQian WANG, Shuang WANGSession Three : Development, Living and EthicsPriority-Setting for INGOsChristopher LOWRYA Consideration on the Ethical Tension over "Eating":From the Viewpoints of Animal Liberation and BiocentrismFumihiko SHIKIMISession Four:Risk and EthicsApplied Philosophical Possibilities of Qualitative Research from Experi-ences of Fieldwork about Environmental RisksTsuyoshi MATSUDAIn the Shadows of "Atoms for Peace".Bio-Politics over "Radiation Safety Level" from Hiroshima to FukushimaNobuo KAZASHIPhronesis and Practical ReasoningBaowei ZHUEthical Basis and Status of Public Perception of Nanotechnology——A Case Study in DalianLi LIU, Xiaolin LIU, Liyuan CAO, Guoyu WANGSession Five:Cultural Resources and Theories in Applied EthicsA Tentative Study on Dualism in Ecological Philosophy Modificationin Romantic LiteratureChunwei LIUGraduate Students Forum:Group ACan Robots Be Ethical?Chen-Hsun CHIUShould All Buddhists Become Vegetarians?I-Wen HUANGThe Paradigmatic Transformation in Ethics of Technology:From Externalist to InternalistWei ZHANGRepresentation and Epistemic Violence in the History of Thought:A Case of the Study of Early Hiratsuka RaichShinya OIEGraduate Students Forum:Group BPersonal Identity in ActionYi-Jung CHENThe Moral Value of ScienceWenjuan LI, Xiaonan HONGConsidering the Daoist Education by Its Linguistic AccountJhangyi SIEThe' Political' in the Globalized World :Seeking a Third Way between Carl Schmitt and John RawlsRyo SUGIKAWAThe Ethical Challenges of Uncertainty in NanotechnologyChao GONG, Guoyu WANGModern Technology and Luxury:From the Perspective of Applied EthicsNa WANG, Hai LIANG, Shuang WANGPostscript





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