
出版时间:2006-8  出版社:厦门大学出版社  作者:陈少华 编  页数:369  






Accounting English前言Part One: Financial AccountingChapter 1 Review of the Accounting Cycle1-1 Recording Phase1-2 Reporting PhaseReading MaterialExercisesChapter 2 Introduction to Financial Reports2-1 Introduction2-2 The Balance Sheet and Notes to the Financial Statements2-3 The Income Statement2-4 The Statement of Cash FlowsReading MaterialExercisesChapter 3 Accounting Elements3-1 Assets, Liabilities and Equity3-2 Revenue, Expenses and ProfitReading MaterialExercisesChapter 4 Accounting Theory4-1 Introduction to Accounting Theory4-2 Conceptual Framework4-3 The Structure of an Accounting TheoryReading MaterialExercisesChapter 5 Financial Start Analysis5-1 Financial Ratio Analysis5-2 Other ApproachesReading MaterialExercisesChapter 6 International Financial Accounting6-1 The Internationalization of Accounting6-2 Comparative Practices6-3 Foreign Currency TranslationReading MaterialExercisesPart Two :Managerial AccountingChapter 7 Introduction to Managerial Accounting7-1 Overview Reading MaterialExercisesChapter 8 Cost Terms, System Design, and Cost Behavior8-1 Cost Terms: Concepts and Classifications8-2 Systems Design: Job-order Costing and Process Costing8-3 Cost Behavior Reading Material ExercisesChapter 9 Planning and Control9-1 Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis9-2 Budgeting: Profit Planning and Control System 9-3 Standard Costing and Performance Measures9-4 Responsibility Accounting and Income ReportingReading MaterialExercisesChapter 10 Using Accounting Information in Making Decisions10-1 Decision-making: Relevant Costs and Benefits10-2 Cost Analysis and Pricing DecisionsReading MaterialExercisesPart Three: AuditingChapter 11 IntroductionReading MaterialExercisesChapter 12 Auditing TheoryReading MaterialExercisesChapter 13 Auditing Process13-1 Client Acceptance, Continuance and Audit Planning13-2 Internal Control and Assessing Control Risk13-3 Compliance Test13-4 Substantive TestsReading MaterialExercisesChapter 14 Audit Program Applications14-1 Revenue and Collection Cycle14-2 Acquisition and Expenditure Cycle14-3 Production Cycle14-4 Financing and Investment CycleReading MaterialExercisesChapter 15 Audit ReportReading MaterialExercisesPart Four: Corporate FinanceChapter 16 Introduction to FinanceReading MaterialExercisesChapter 17 Value17-1 Introduction to Present Value17-2 The Calculation of Present Value17-3 The Value of Common StocksReading MaterialExercisesChapter 18 Risk18-1 Introduction to Risk, Return and the Opportunity Cost of Capital18-2 Risk and Return18-3 Capital Budgeting and Risk18-4 Organizing Capital Expenditure and Evaluating PerformanceReading MaterialExercisesChapter 19 Financing Decisions and Market Efficiency19-1 Review of Market Efficiency19-2 An Overview of Corporate FinancingReading Material……Chapter 20 Dividend Policy and Capital Structure Chapter 21 OptionsChapter 22 Mergers and International FinancingChapter 23 TaxationAnswersReferences



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  •   书的内容很有价值,整体也很好。
  •   还没用 但是有用过中文的 还不错
  •   正品哦~信赖当当的书,有保障!
  •   值得一看的书,可以学到不少东西。
  •   书的内容应该是不错的,和我买的上一本会计英语书一样,都是全英文的,只有每个章节后面有些单词或词组表,但是没有音标。外加几句从这一章节选择出来的两三句有翻译,真是太失望了。本来想买本中英文的,唉!上次那本还没有翻译完呢,好累哟 。不过自己边翻译边查词典也算有点收获吧,但是对没有时间的人来说,不要上来买会计英语了,除非自己基础好,或者在实体店看过可以的话在上来买吧。反正买了四本会计英语书,就一本英汉双解,财会词典还算最满意的啦。
  •   内容方面感觉还行,就是缺少会计实操方面的内容,总体上感觉还行!
  •   书不错,以前用过,后来丢了,所以又买了一本,正在看。
  •   如果课文部分也有翻译就好了。
  •     书里语法错误较多,多处专业术语不准确。

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