新托福官方指南考点详解 冲刺篇 写作分册

出版时间:2011-1  出版社:北京语言大学出版社  作者:语言研究中心 编著  页数:276  


Diagnostic Test帮助考生了解自己的优势和弱点
Integrated Writing
?Overview 介绍综合写作任务要求
?Basic Skills 介绍综合写作技巧
?Guided Writing 提供指导下的写作训练
Independent Writing
?Overview 介绍独立写作任务要求
?Basic Skills 介绍独立写作技巧
?Guided Writing 提供指导下的写作训练
Actual Test 提供两套全真写作模拟试题
Orientation 介绍托福考试并提供官方评分标准(中文)
Scripts & Answer Keys 提供听力文本及练习答案




Diagnostic Test 诊断性测试 8
PART I Integrated Writing 综合写作任务
Overview 概览 16
1 Basic Skills 基本写作技巧 18
2 Guided Writing 指导下的写作 30
l Practice Test (1-15) 练习(1-15) 51
PART II Independent Writing 独立写作任务
Overview 概览 114
1 Basic Skills 基本写作技巧 116
2 Guided Writing 指导下的写作 122
l Practice Test (1-15) 练习(1-15) 133
PART III Actual Test 全真模拟试题
Actual Test 1 全真模拟试题1 196
Actual Test 2 全真模拟试题2 206
Appendix 附录
Writing Grammar 语法 218
Punctuation 标点使用规范 246
Common Misspellings 常见拼写错误 251
Sayings & Proverbs 谚语与格言 254
Orientation 新托福考试 267
新托福i BT考试简介 268
新托福i BT成绩对照表 272
新托福i BT写作官方评分标准 274
Scripts & Answer Key 听力文本及练习答案


  First of all, taking science courses is a waste of money for students with a different major. For students whomajor in humanities and social science, science classes require students paying more money forunnecessary courses. In the university, students choose subjects they want to study, and they pay for theirchosen courses. Therefore, if students participate in science courses, they have to pay for the courses.However, for some students, it is a waste of money. No matter what courses students take, all courses arequite expensive because classes need professors and facilities. Moreover, many students depend onstudent loans to pay tuition, and those students have to pay back the loan after graduation. Therefore, ifstudents have to pay for mandatory science classes they have no interest in, it is very unfair. Students havethe burden to pay back the money they had to spend on something they never wanted.Second, some students will be at a disadvantage if they take the science classes. Students, who are notmajoring in science are obviously not good at science subjects. Therefore, it will be a great burden forstudents to study them. Moreover, some students who are in great need scholarships but are not good atscience will have trouble. Since they are not good at science, they may fail the exams in science courses.Then, some students may lose their scholarships or have to take the course again next year to meetgraduation requirements. Additionally, if students have to study science, which they do not major in,students have to put a lot of effort into science because it is very hard for them to understand the subject.Therefore, in order not to get bad grades in science, students focus more on science but neglect other majorsubjects. As a result, his or her overall grades may get lowered. Low grades may prevent students fromgetting a good job after graduation.


  秩序渐进教授如何应对六大口语任务  两套托福IBT写作全真模拟试题




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用户评论 (总计12条)


  •   手把手教托福写作
  •   质量很好。而且内容丰富,是托福考试推荐用书
  •   托福这套书的作文和听力真的还是不错的
  •   这套书的冲刺篇我的阅读和听力仔细准备了一遍,1个月的时间,第一次考了94分,所以很感谢这套书。
  •   在托福书中很好的,没什么空话
  •   这本不错的,很有针对性
  •   书不错,包装也包装得很好
  •   非常有用的书,条理清楚,有助于强化学生答题思路!非常推荐!
  •   分析和样本文章挺有启发的
  •   good uesful
  •   还蛮有用的,不过光盘放在书中间很碍事啊。。。
  •   寄到的时候 词汇书皮破了

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