
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:北京语言大学出版社  作者:高明乐  页数:392  


  《语言的共性与个性:第八届生成语法国际会议论文集(英文版)》中收集会议论文60篇,其中包括Chomsky教授题为Poverty of Stimulus:Unfinished Business的主旨演讲全文,6位特约演讲者的论文,及83位国内外著名语言学者的53篇论文的扩展摘要。内容涵盖句法、语义、音系、韵律及普遍语法理论下的语言习得研究等诸多领域,涉及的主题有移位方式、句法制图、连读变调、名词化、关系化、非宾格、空主语、格位、一致、省略、语段及儿童对逻辑词、韵律和一般疑问句的习得等。  这些研究成果中有不少是以汉语为语料并结合当前最新的语言学理论而做出的分析与探讨,对当前语言学的研究有着重要的启示与借鉴作用。


Key-note SpeakerPoverty of Stimulus: Unfinished BusinessInvited SpeakersPolarity and Intervention as Interface PhenomenaOn Two Types of MovementsThe Linguistic Constellations: Relating Acquisition Phenomena with Parameter SettingTinkering Sound to Produce Meaning: Merge and Label from a More Biolinguistic PerspectiveThe Cartography of Syntactic Structures:Criteria, Freezing and Interface EffectsEPP as a Topic Feature: Evidence from Chinese Applicatives, Modals, and Reflexive AdverbialsOther SpeakersToward a Universal Typology of Yes-rio Questions:Implications from Child JapaneseJapanese Relative Clauses: Larger than TPThere-Insertion and the Unaccusativity HypothesisPerson Cheecking, in Nominative and Ergative LanguagesOn the Curious Nature of the Genitive Case in KoreanOCP Effects in TeluguOvert Feature MovementRelatives, Relative to Children and Adults——Comparative Evidence with Main Focus on ItalianReconciling Formalism and Functionalism: A Minimalist PerspectiveMen and Their Apples: Count Plural and Cardinal Plural in ArabicRelabeling Heads: Explaining Different Relativization StrategiesNominalization and Relativizati6n Strategies: The Case of Mandarin DEA Syntactic View of Head Movement:A Cartographic Approach to Adverbial ClausesAlternatives as Sources of Semantic DependencySyntactic Derivation of Chinese Resultative CompoundUnifying Double Agreement and Possessor AgreementThe Syntax of Commas: An Analysis of Two Types of ParentheticalsReferential CPs and DPs: An Operator Movement AccountThe View from CP: Force and Person-Feature AgreementInsignificance Is Significant:Acquisition of Polarity Items in Mandarin ChineseClassifiers and Nominal Structure: A Parametric Approach and Its ConsequencesThai Quantifier Float as Quantifier RaisingAn Overt Determiner and Complementizer in a Classifier LanguageMorphological Case Is Structural:The Case of Hindi Accusative -KoPhases, Cyclicity and Feature PercolationPair-Readings of Comparatives with QuantifiersAsymmetries in Two Types of Small Clauses in EnglishRestrictive AgreementIndependence between Movement and Reconstruction:Evidence from Wh-Constructions in Emirati ArabicChinese VP Ellipsis and Binding Principles B&C——A View from Single Cycle ModelCase and ObjectsThe Semantics of Chinese Wh-Phrases in Their Non-Interrogative UsesPhases and DPsOn Adjectives in Mandarin ChineseDeep Genitive in Modern Inner MongolianThe Distribution of for in English Infinitives:Case vs. CartographyLexicalizing Structure Crosscategorially:Shupamem Spatial PSProsodic Licensing and Tone Sandhi in Contour Tone LanguagesTheTypology of 'Movement' as an EpiphenomenonProsodic Well-formedness in Bangla DisyllablesP-Stranding under Sluicing in Indonesian,Repair by Ellipsis and the Organization of GrammarChildren's Grammatical Conservatism: New EvidenceMonstrous Agreement and AnaphoraAdding Syntactic Heads to the Left Edge of Relative Clauses Does Not Necessarily Mean Processing Difficulty--Evidence from Mandarin ChineseA Study of Referential Nominal Phrases: GP, QP and DPThe Possessive Equative Sentence in Mandarin:Its Relation to Possession and ExistenceLicensing Null SubjectsPredicting Language ChangeCP andthe Left Periphery in Early Child Mandarin Chinese: The Case of Sentence Final ParticlesThe Acquisition of Disjunction and Conditional in Child MandarinNegation and Negative Indefinites in Deontic Modal ConstructionsPatterns of Tone Sandhi Productivity in Tianiin ChineseChildren's Use of Prosodic Information in Ambiguity Resolution



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  •   会议论文集,反应学术前沿,抓紧出手。
  •   会议论文集现在不买以后就没有了。
  •   当年本来报名去听会了,怎奈临时变故错过与CHOMSKY大师近距离接触的机会。书是论文集,好多很前沿的东西,看来要完全读懂要下一番苦工

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