
出版时间:2003-2  出版社:重庆大学出版社  作者:张叙 编  页数:139  


  《高职高专英语》系列教材问世已近三年,该教材以其形式的新颖活泼和内容的丰富实用而受到使用师生的热烈欢迎。为了满足学生的学习热情,同时也为教师教学提供更多的灵活性和选择性,我们特地编写了《高职高专英语——巩固与扩展》。本套教材既可作为《高职高专英语》教材的课堂同步练习,也可作为学生课外自修、自测和练习用书,通过质的深入和量的扩展,使学生的英语学习能取得更大成效。 本教材共分预备级和第1,2,3册,分别对应《高职高专英语》教材的相应册数。体例上各册大致相同,分为阅读、写作、翻译、结构和词汇4个部分,其中阅读是重点,占的篇幅较多,份量较重,主要是为了让学生通过更多地接触各种类型的英语文章,增加对英语语言和文化的熟悉与了解,同时通过阅读练习提高英语语言技能。为了让学生有更多的机会练习英语实用技能,我们还安排了相应的写作和翻译练习,而结构和词汇部分则是为了进一步巩固与扩展学生的英语语言知识。本套教材仍然采取由浅人深、循序渐进的编写方法,并充分注意选材的广泛性、多样性、代表性和趣味性,以及练习的灵活性和实用性。我们相信《高职高专英语——巩固与扩展》也会同《高职高专英语》主教材一样受到广大师生的欢迎。本套教材肯定会存在一些不足之处,我们欢迎师生们在使用过程中能给我们提出宝贵的意见,以便我们不断完善。


Unit1Unit2Unit3Unit4Unit5Unit6Unit7Unit8Unit9Unit10Unit11Unit12Key to the Exercises


  Harry Potter is a fictional(虚构的)character who was created by British author J.K.Rowling.Her books have become a huge success with children and adults everywhere!  When Hatry P0tter was introduced to the world in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’sStone.he was a ten years old orphan who lived under the stairs at Number 4,Privet Drive.Hewas adopted(收养)by his aunt and uncle,the Dursleys,when his mother and father werekilled in an automobile accident when he was just a baby.The Dursleys were not very pleasedwith the poor little baby they found one morning on their doorstep,and treated Harry quitebadly.  This all changed 0ne day however.when Harry received a letter in the post on his eleventhbirthday.N0 matter how hard his Uncle Vernon tried to keep the news from him,Harry managed to discover that he,like his parents before him,was a wizard,and that he was invitedt0 learn the ways of the craft(技艺)at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  There are culTentlv four books available in the Harry Potter series,with three more plannedin the fluture.Each one takes place over the course of one year at Hogwarts,as Harry and his best friends.Ron Weasly and Hermione Granger,uncover the truth about Harry’s parents and Harry’s Destiny(命运).In the first book alone we can see them growing up while fighting against a giant man.a large three—headed dog,and the evilest of all wizards who cannot be named.   ……



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