
出版时间:2004-3  出版社:大连海事大学出版社  作者:张晓峰,郭敬谊 著  页数:174  




1 Practical Phrases,or Sentences 实用的词组、句子1.1 Deck Operation 甲板工作1.2 Operation in an Enclosed Space 封闭空间作业1.3 Maintenance ofRopes or Wires 维护绳索或钢丝绳1.4 Safe Painting Operations 油漆使用安全1.5 Working outboard and Aloft 舷外和登高作业1.6 Health 健康1.7 Alcohol and Drugs Forbidden 禁止酗酒和吸毒1.8 Clothing at Sea 海上着装安全1.9 Electrical Hazards 电击危险1.10 Discipline 纪律1.1l Engine Operation 机舱作业1.12 Overhaul ofCylinders 检修作业1.13 Welding Operation 焊接作业1.1 4 Routine Operation in Workshop 工作间常规操作要求1.15 Galley Operation 厨房工作1.16 Systematic Training 安全管理体系要求的训练1.17 Report of Occupational Accidents 报告安全事故1.18 Public Security 公众安全1.19 Security ofRepatriation 遣返安全1.20 Personal Hygiene 个人卫生2 Practical Questions and Answers 常见问题问答2.1 Critical Operational Safety 重大作业的安全2.2 Safe Use ofWorking Tools 工具使用安全2.3 Personal Safety 人身安全2.4 Safety aboard Ship 船舶安全2.5 Others 其他3 C0mmon Shipboard Hazardous Materials 船上常见有害物质3.1 Asbestos 石棉3.2 Chromates Chrome,Chromium 铬酸盐、铬合金、铬3.3 Cleaners 清洁剂3.4 EpoxyResins 环氧树脂3.5 Fiberglass,Glass wool 玻璃纤维3.6 Carbon Monoxide 一氧化碳3.7 Halon Bromochlorodifluoromethane(BCF) 氯代烷、溴氯二氟甲烷3.8 Flammable Gas 易燃气体3.9 Hydrogen Sulfide 硫化氢3.10 Hydrogen 氢气3.11 Nitrogen Dioxide,Sulfur Dioxide 二氧化氮、二氧化硫3.12 Glues,Sealants,Pipe Dope 胶、密封剂、管道粘合剂3.13 Isocyanates 异氰酸酯3.14 Polychlorinated Biphenyls(PCB)Chlorinated Diphenyls 多氯联苯、氯化联苯3.15 Mercury 水银3.16 Lead 铅3.17 Solvents ofPaints 油漆溶液4 Samples ofDialogues 对话选粹4.1 Instruction of Cadet on Occupational Safety 指导实习生职务安全方面的知识4.2 Investigation of Accident 事故调查4.3 Operation withinin Confined Spaces 在封闭空间作业4.4 HotWork 热工作业4.5 Overhaul 检修4.6 Operations at Workshop 工作间作业4.7 Gangway Duties 舷梯值班4.8 Finger Cut 手指受伤5 Selected Safety Instructions from SMS “SMS文件”关于安全的选粹5.1 Ship’S Security 船舶安全5.2 Notice ofWelding Operation 焊接作业须知5.3 Safety Requirements for Working Sites 船舶的工作场所的安全规定5.4 Safe Operation of Electrical Equipment 电气设备的安全操作5.5 Safe Operation of Shipboard Elevator 船用电梯的安全操作5.6 Use OfTesting Systems 使用测试系统5.7 Rules forBoilerFloor 锅炉舱守则5.8 Safe Operation of Radio and Radar Equipment 电台设备和雷达的安全操作5.9 Donning Firemen’S Suit 穿着防火隔热服方法6 Marks and Identification Concerning Safety Facilities orMeasures 有关基本安全设施或措施的标识6.1 Safety Marks Or Identifications 基本安全类的标识6.2 Photographs of Safety Equipment 安全设备的图片附录 Safety Signs And Marks Used In Domestic Market 国内常用的安全标志参考文献



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