
出版时间:2012-1  出版社:大连海事学院出版社  作者:王维平  页数:378  




Unit 1 Ship Structure and EquipmentLesson 1 Ship TypesLesson 2 Manning on BoardLesson 3 General Arrangement PlanLesson 4 MeasurementLesson 5 Bridge EquipmentLesson 6 Life-saving Appliances and ArrangementsLesson 7 Fire-fighting EquipmentExercises 1Unit 2 Navigational EquipmentLesson 8 Radar and ARPALesson 9 Magnetic Compass & GyrocompassLesson 10 GPS,ECDIS,VDR & AISExercises 2Unit 3 Marine MeteorologyLesson 11 Basic Knowledge About Marine MeteorologyLesson 12 Weather Routing and Weather MessagesExercises 3Unit 4 Ship ManoeuvringLesson 13 Basic Knowledge About Ship ManoeuvringLesson 14 IALA Maritime Buoyage SystemLesson 15 International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea(1972) ..Lesson 16 Navigational Watch at SeaExercises 4Unit 5 Nautical Publications and CorrespondenceLesson 17 Nautical Chart and Chart WorkLesson 18 Notices to Mariners and Navigational WarningsLesson 19 LogbookLesson 20 Various NoticesLesson 21 Accident ReportsExercises 5Unit 6 Cargo WorkLesson 22 Basic Knowledge about CargoLesson 23 Equipment Used to Load and Discharge CargoLesson 24 Preparation of Cargo SpaceLesson 25 Introduction to the IMDG CodeExercises 6Unit 7 IMO ConventionsLesson 26 An Introduction to IMOLesson 27 An Introduction to STCWLesson 28 An Introduction to SOLASLesson 29 An Introduction to MARPOLLesson 30 An Introduction to MLCLesson 31 An Introduction to ISMLesson 32 An Introduction to PSCLesson 33 An Introduction to ISPSExercises 7Unit 8 Shipping DocumentsLesson 34 Charter PartyLesson 35 Bill of LadingExercises 8Bibliography


  《交通职业教育教学指导委员会推荐教材:航海英语阅读(第2版)》的设计根据交际法教学原则,体现“以学生为主体”,着重培养学生实际应用能力。IJSEFUL W0RDS& EXPRESSIONS是与主题相关的有用词汇或短语,是交际法阅读教学中的Pre-reading阶段,让学生在进入主题学习前做好充分的准备。  全书共八个单元,35课。第一单元介绍船舶基本知识、船舶结构和设备;第二单元介绍航行仪器及其使用说明;第三单元介绍航海气象基本词汇及气象报告;第四单元介绍航行安全和航行规则;第五单元介绍航行出版物;第六单元介绍货物运输基本知识;第七单元介绍国际海事组织公约和规则;第八单元介绍航运文件。



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