
出版时间:2011-6  出版社:延边大学  作者:张静|主编:马德高  页数:102  字数:586000  




=第一部分 备考指南
第二部分 高分遗词
 第一节 书面表达常见的连接词和过渡词汉译英训练
 第二节 书面表达常用核心短语汉译英训练
 第三节 核心词汇用法分类翻译训练
第三部分 高分造句
 第一节 英语基本句型分类翻译训练
 第二节 高考必备经典句式翻译训练
 第三节 高分句型演练
 第四节 真题范文佳句翻译训练
第四部分 分类训练
 第一节 提纲作文
 第二节 图表作文
 第三节 图画作文
 第四节 开放作文
第五部分 综合训练
第六部分 参考答案


  W: Havent seen you for a long time, Patrick. How have you been?  M. Well, Ive been looking for a job for days, but bad luck.  W. Dont lose heart. Everything will go well.  M: Have you had any luck?  W: Yes. Ive got a job, a waitress job in a restaurant.  M: Are you well paid?  W: Well, $ 8 an hour, but 1 can keep the tips which comes to $10 an evening at least.  M: Not bad. How many hours should you work a day?  W: Eight hours. Actually, theres still another opening. If youre interested, youll surely get it.  M: Thats great! Ill go there right now and speak with the boss.  W: Theres no rush. You can see him tomorrow. Ill tell him about you.  M: Thanks a lot. Could you tell me a bit more?  W. You should be there before 5 p. In. , so that you will have half an hour for preparation.  M: No problem.  Text 10  W: Hi, Jack. How was your day?  M: Hi, Linda. Ive been looking for you to play basketball. Where have you been?  W. I just did something very interesting. I spent the whole day with dozens of little children.  M: That sounds very fun.  W.. Yes, it was fun but tiring! Kids have so much energy.  M: Where did you meet all these kids?  W: At the primary school down the street. I visited some of their classes in the morning, then taught them some simple French in the afternoon.  M: French must be very difficult for them.  W: Actually, they were very eager to learn. I was quite impressed.  M: How did you teach them?  W: One teacher gave me some sentences to practice. The kids loved to repeat things out loud! Some- times I shouted the sentences, and they shouted back at me. Other times I whispered, and they whispered back. They were very clever.  M: Yes, I can imagine.



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  •   这本书真的不错,里面词组很全,也有相应的训练

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