
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:旅游教育出版社  作者:修月祯 编  页数:262  


  当今,中国与世界各国的经济往来日益频繁,参与的国际经济贸易活动也越来越多,因此对精通外语的商贸人才的需求也在不断增加。此类专业人才不仅要具有扎实的英语语言基础,了解国内、国际经济形势和政策,而且还需要掌握一定的经济理论和经贸知识,并且能用英语进行这方面的工作和交流。本教材就是一本旨在从经贸英语口译层面帮助培养此类人才的自学或教学用书。  本教材将英语口译技能的训练和经贸知识的传授融为一体,旨在通过有指导、有针对性的训练,使学生掌握口译技巧,提高英汉互译能力,同时扩充经贸方面的知识。  本教材在内容的筛选上注重训练材料的现实性和时效性、经贸方面的知识性及文章题材和语言体裁的多样性。本教材分为12个单元,介绍了一定的经济理论和商务知识,涉及主题包括:经济、工业、农业、国际贸易、国际合作、市场管理、旅游、金融、商业运营、可持续发展、物流和IT行业等。这些内容均为近年各方媒体上出现的资料,能帮助学生了解最新的国内国际经济形势和贸易动向。在注重选材时效性的同时,为使教材具有一定的稳定性,还特别注意了选材内容的长期指导意义,如关于国家的方针、政策、国内外的经济形势和公司经验等内容。这些内容不仅对增加学生的经贸知识有帮助,还可以使学生在口译中对原语的理解更加充分,为产出准确的译语打下基础。本教材的语言体裁多样,主要包括会议发言、访谈和对话等形式。




Unit 1  Economy经济 Part 1  Textsfor Interpreting in Class   Passage 1  2004年宏观调控评价及深化经济改革须解决的体制性根源   Passage 2  在第104届中国进出口商品交易会新闻发布会上的讲话   Passage 3  China'S Economic Development   Passage 4  US President'S Radio Address on Economy    Key to Passages 1-4  Part 2  Practice after Class  Exercise 1  薄熙来部长在第九届中国国际投资贸易洽谈会开幕式上的致辞   Key to Exercise 1  Exercise 2  Rogers:Investment in China   Key to Exercise 2 Unit 2  Industries工业  Part 1  Textsfor Interpreting in Class   Passage 1  抓住有利时机,深化经济体制改革   Passage 2  中国工业概况  Passage 3  Internet Indust in China   Passage 4  How Did Dell Computer Choose Its Strategy    Key to Passages 1-4  Part 2  Practice after Class   Exercise 1  The Corporation    Key to Exercise 1   Exercise 2  How do Enterprises Make Profits on the World Market?    Key to Exercise 2 Unit 3  Agriculture农业 Part 1  Textsfor Interpreting in Class   Passage 1  进一步加强"三农"工作  Passage 2  International Year of Rice   Passage 3  Walfensen:Between the Rich and the Poor   Passage 4  The World Food Program'S Global Commitment    Key to Passages 1-4  Part 2  Practice after Class   Exercise 1  中国农村改革和发展的长远计划    Key to Exercise 1   Exercise 2  WTO Ruling on American Cotton Subsidies    Key to Exercise 2  Exercise 3  Is China Facing Grain Crisis? 61   Key to Exercise 3 Unit 4  International Trade国际贸易  Part 1  Textsfor Interpreting in Class   Passage 1  商务部部长薄熙来出席国务院新闻发布会  Passage 2  Pros and Cons of Free Trade   Passage 3  Deficits and the Dollar    Key to Passages 1-3  Part 2  Practice after Class   Exercise 1  回应欧盟对中国纺织品进口设限   Key to Exercise 1   Exercise 2  Peter Mandelson:EU'S Agriculture Policies in Sino-EU Trade    Key to Exercise 2   Exercise 3  China'S Business Climate for US Firms    Key to Exercise 3 Unit 5  Intermational Cooperation国际合作Unit 6  Marketing Managemeng营销管理Unit 7  Tourism旅游Unit 8  Finance金融Unit 9  Business Management商业运营Unit 10  Sustainable Development可持续发展Unit 11  Logistics物流Unit 12  IT IndustryIT行业


  On Monday, I will travel to West Point, Virginia, to highlight the benefits oi blomesel, analternative fuel that will help our country achieve greater energy independence. We'll also discussour need for a comprehensive national energy strategy that reduces our dependence on foreign oil.This strategy will encourage more efficient technologies, make the most of our existing resources,help global energy consumers like China and India reduce their own use of hydrocarbons,encourage conservation, and develop promising new sources of energy such as hydrogen, ethanoland biodiesel. I applaud the House for passing an energy bill that is largely consistent with these goals. Nowthe Senate must act. Congress needs to get a good energy bill to my desk by the August recess soI can sign it into law. [02:09 ] On Tuesday I will welcome our newest United States Trade Representative, formerCongressman Rob Portman. Ambassador Portman understands that expanding trade is vital forAmerican workers and consumers. He will make sure we vigorously enforce the trade laws on thebooks, while also working to continue opening foreign markets to American crops and products.The Central America Free Trade Agreement would help us achieve these goals. This agreementwould help the new democracies in our hemisphere deliver better jobs and higher labor standards totheir workers, and it would create a more level playing field for American goods and services.Congress needs to pass this important legislation.   ……



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