
出版时间:2007-6  出版社:北京理工  作者:赵小冬  页数:95  字数:126000  


本套教材紧扣《高职高专英语课程教学基本要求》提出的教学目的,覆盖了所要求掌握的实用英语语言知识和交际技能。结合目前高职高专(非英语专业)的英语课程设置特点(多数高职高专院校的公共英语课开设两个学期,教学时数低于《高职高专英语课程教学基本要求》提出的180-220学时)的现实条件和学生的实际水平以及社会对高职高专学生英语水平的期望,本套教材将基础知识学习、实用技能训练和文化背景介绍有机地融为一体,力求使英语学习做到学用结合、学以致用、学后会用。  突出以“实用为主、够用为度”的原则。为了适应新时期高职高专英语教学的需要,以及中国加入WTO以后对人才的实际需求,本套教材强调实用科学性,从最新报纸、杂志、网络文章中收编了许多实用的交际性内容和与时俱进的材料,注重文章的可读性、趣味性,力求使学生在听、说、读、写、译五个方面行到全面的提高。


Unit 1 Practice your language skills  Listening   Speaking  Reading  Translation  Listening in and speaking out  Dialogues  Conversation  Passage  Spot Dictation  Picture Identification  Picture Description  Communicative Speaking  Simulated PracticeUnit 2 Practice your language skills  Listening   Speaking  Reading  Translation  Listening in and speaking out  Dialogues  Conversation  Passage  Spot Dictation  Picture Identification  Picture Description  Communicative Speaking  Simulated PracticeUnit 3  Practice your language skills  Listening   Speaking  Reading  Translation  Listening in and speaking out  Dialogues  Conversation  Passage  Spot Dictation  Picture Identification  Picture Description  Communicative Speaking  Simulated PracticeUnit 4 Practice your language skills  Listening   Speaking  Reading  Translation  Listening in and speaking out  Dialogues  Conversation  Passage  Spot Dictation  Picture Identification  Picture Description  Communicative Speaking  Simulated PracticeUnit 5 Practice your language skills  Listening   Speaking  Reading  Translation  Listening in and speaking out  Dialogues  Conversation  Passage  Spot Dictation  Picture Identification  Picture Description  Communicative Speaking  Simulated PracticeUnit 6  Practice your language skills  Listening   Speaking  Reading  Translation  Listening in and speaking out  Dialogues  Conversation  Passage  Spot Dictation  Picture Identification  Picture Description  Communicative Speaking  Simulated PracticeUnit 7 Practice your language skills  Listening   Speaking  Reading  Translation  Listening in and speaking out  Dialogues  Conversation  Passage  Spot Dictation  Picture Identification  Picture Description  Communicative Speaking  Simulated PracticeUnit 8 Practice your language skills  Listening   Speaking  Reading  Translation  Listening in and speaking out  Dialogues  Conversation  Passage  Spot Dictation  Picture Identification  Picture Description  Communicative Speaking  Simulated PracticeUnit 9 Practice your language skills  Listening   Speaking  Reading  Translation  Listening in and speaking out  Dialogues  Conversation  Passage  Spot Dictation  Picture Identification  Picture Description  Communicative Speaking  Simulated PracticeUnit 10 Practice your language skills  Listening   Speaking  Reading  Translation  Listening in and speaking out  Dialogues  Conversation  Passage  Spot Dictation  Picture Identification  Picture Description  Communicative Speaking  Simulated PracticeUnit 11 Practice your language skills  Listening   Speaking  Reading  Translation  Listening in and speaking out  Dialogues  Conversation  Passage  Spot Dictation  Picture Identification  Picture Description  Communicative Speaking  Simulated PracticeUnit 12  Practice your language skills  Listening   Speaking  Reading  Translation  Listening in and speaking out  Dialogues  Conversation  Passage  Spot Dictation  Picture Identification  Picture Description  Communicative Speaking  Simulated PracticeUnit 13  Practice your language skills  Listening   Speaking  Reading  Translation  Listening in and speaking out  Dialogues  Conversation  Passage  Spot Dictation  Picture Identification  Picture Description  Communicative Speaking  Simulated PracticeUnit 14  Practice your language skills  Listening   Speaking  Reading  Translation  Listening in and speaking out  Dialogues  Conversation  Passage  Spot Dictation  Picture Identification  Picture Description  Communicative Speaking  Simulated PracticeUnit 15 Practice your language skills  Listening   Speaking  Reading  Translation  Listening in and speaking out  Dialogues  Conversation  Passage  Spot Dictation  Picture Identification  Picture Description  Communicative Speaking  Simulated Practice


  A :Good morning, manager.B:Good moming. Show me yesterday's sales report.A:Here you are. Um, this is the general sales report, and here are the best- selling items. There are sales in different categories and different departments.B:I'll check it out. Have you updated to keep consistent with those of the DC ( distribution center) ?A :I'm just about to finish the final part.B :Make it quick. I don't want any data discrepancy existing after 8:30.A:Sure, it's just 10 minutes' work.B:Bring me the feedback report transmitted from the DC.A:Just a minute, I'll print it out... Here you are, manager.B:Did their system break down or something? Why is there no delivery time setfor fresh food section again? This is the third time in this month. Make a callto check it out!A:Nobody picks up the phone.B:What? Aren't they on duty? Now it is 8:10, and later I'll let the dataprocessing manager of DC know what happened. At present, fax them to askfor the delivery time for fresh food. I'll come back at 9:00. If by then theyhaven't replied yet, I'll report to the headquarters.  ……



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