
出版时间:2010-6  出版社:东南大学出版社  作者:郑家顺 编  页数:242  字数:478000  


该书是在广泛征求多所高校四级强化班考生建议的基础上,通过我们在强化班教学的亲身体验而进行编写的。目前图书市场上大量的专业四级真题集存在着答案错误、解析简单或冗长(如“该句的译文是”,“该题的答案是”等词语反复出现,浪费大量空间)等缺点。遇到疑难问题,则要查字典、问老师。不仅要花费很多时间与精力,还很难掌握考试规律。该书正弥补了这方面的不足,同时增加了该书最具特色的解释部分。   本书收录了1999年到2008年10套实考试题。按专业四级考试新题型的形式,汇编成10个Test,本书主要适用于考生对四级做题技巧的突破,也适用于具有中级英语水平的学生自学考试使用,同时也可作为强化班教师教学参考使用。相信您只要有效地利用此书,就可在短时间里突破四级难关,掌握做题技巧,提高实际运用英语的能力。




入门分析篇 1999年英语专业四级试题(整合新题型)    试题精讲 2000年英语专业四级试题(整合新题型)    试题精讲 2001年英语专业四级试题(整合新题型)      试题精讲技能实践篇 2002年英语专业四级试题(整合新题型)    试题精讲 2003年英语专业四级试题(整合新题型)    试题精讲 2004年英语专业四级试题(整合新题型)    试题精讲考前冲刺篇 2005年英语专业四级试题    试题精讲 2006年英语专业四级试题    试题精讲 2007年英语专业四级试题    试题精讲 2008年英语专业四级试题    试题精讲 2008年英语专业四级试题    试题精讲


  The two halves are linked by a trunk line of between 200 and 300 million nerves,the corpuscallosum.Scientists have found quite recently that the corpus callosum in women iS always largerand probably richer in nerve fibers than it iS in men.This iS the first time that a structuraldifference has been found between the brains of women and men and it must have somesignificance.The question is“What?”,and,if this difference exists,are there others?Researchshows that present-day women think differently and behave differently from men.Are some ofthese differences biological and inborn,a result of evolution?We tend to think that is theinfluence of society that produces these differences.But could we be wrong?  Research showed that these two halves of the brain had different functions。and that thecorpus caUosum enabled them to work together.For most people.the 1eft half is used for wordhanding,analytical and logical activities;the right half works on pictures,patterns and forms.We need both halves working together.And the better the connections。the more harmoniously thetwo halves work.And,according to research findings,women have the better connections.  But it isnt all that easy to explain the actual difierences between skills of men and women onthis basis.In schools throughout the world girls tend to be better than boys at“language subjects”and boys better at maths and physics.If these differences correspond with the differences in thehemispheric trunk line.there iS an unalterable distinction between the sexes.





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