
出版时间:2003-10  出版社:航空工业出版社  作者:毕金献  页数:204  字数:310000  


  全国硕士研究生英语入学考试是国家选拔硕士研究生的主要途径,在全国统一招生考试中,就考试水准和层次而言,目前是我国最高水平的。从测试学看,它应是“常模参照”考试,即选拔性考试。其命题工作须坚持的原则是:既有利于为国家选拔高层次的人才,又有利于高等学校的教学,强调在考查知识的基础上重点考查考生分析问题和解决实际问题的能力。  本书的试题是在全面总结了命题工作经验的基础上,严格按照考试新大纲命制,并经新大纲变化研究权威把关,无论从深度、广度还是风格上都与真题高度一致。“梅花香自苦寒来”,我们多年的教学经验表明:考生如果没有刻苦钻研的精神,不经过高难度、高强度的科学训练,是很难考出好成绩的,故本书适当加大了训练的难度和强度。这样做的目的在于使考生更能暴露自己的问题,提高临场的应变能力。同学们做错题时,不必太计较结果,不必为“错得一塌糊涂”而懊恼,更不要失去信心。应该理性分析命题思路,发现命题者精心设计的陷阱,找出自己的薄弱环节,深刻反省自己思维上的习惯性错误,从而真正提高得分能力。  在奥运会上,很多赛前感觉极好的运动员未必能获得佳绩,相反在赛前不被看好的运动员却在比赛中取得了出人意料的成绩,这就是考试与奥运会的共同之处。不就题论题,而是要通过对试题的比较,发现规律性的东西,这才是考试的制胜之道。  发现自己实力不足时,同学们可参考《硕士研究生英语入学考试阅读基本功难句过关》(王若平主编)(5-10句/日)和《硕士研究生英语入学考试阅读专项训练》(王若平主编)(2篇/日)夯实基础。记住:实力永远是第一位的。  如果发现自己的问题是对题型规律性的认识不足,可以参考《硕士研究生英语入学考试阅读手记》(王若平主编)把握解题规律,从而提高解题技巧。  最后预祝大家考试成功!






  The Japanese government wants women like Taeko Mizuguehi to get married and start doing something about the nations plunging birthrate. But shes not interested. At least, not if her prospective husband is Japanese.  A growing number of Japanese women are giving up on their male counterparts, and taking a gamble that looking abroad for love will bring them the qualities in a partner that seem rare at home. "They treat you like equals, and they dont hesitate to express mutual feelings of respect -I think Western men are more adept at such things than Japanese men," says the 36-year-old Ms. Mizuguchi, who works at a top trading firm. "They dont act like women are maids I think they view women as individuals. "  Underscoring that Japanese women are losing hope with the local boys, dating agencies to help snag a Western husband have sprung up in Tokyo, some with branches in the US and Europe. Such companies rigorously vet their clients, screening for education, family background, occupation, and life goals. The kind of women who sign up for such services include doctors, lawyers, and other professionals-women who have delayed marriage to concentrate on careers and who arent keen to give up hard won gains to become a housewife, as many Japanese men expect. A generation of women who are now entering their 30s dont want to give up single life un- less prospective partners are willing to break from traditional gender roles.  Government polls conducted to find out why women have put off marriage until well after 25 years of age —— known as a womans "best before date" - show that economic independence is key to the change. As most Japanese women have their own income, marriage is no longer a financial necessity and women want to find companionship in a husband. Having ruled out an old fashioned Japanese husband, many women here think the solution is a Western man. Indeed, some seem so enthralled with the idea that they are willing to spend thousands of dollars to in spect the wares personally.


  本题集为王若平老师的静心之作  除了真题外,这是一本很难得的高质量模拟题集  题目设置深度、广度、风格都和真题高度一致  全译文+详解  细心的读者一定会认识到其水准和内涵也会因此而受益




    2008考试虫学习体系硕士研究生入学考试“考试虫”英语8套模拟试卷 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计9条)


  •   可以看得出编写这本书的作者很用心,没套题后面都有很详细的讲解和译文,这套题的难度和今年考研还是有差距的,虽然这套题比前几年的真题都难。
  •   相当不错的一套题,跟真题难度最为接近,很不错啊~
  •   这书有点难,但认真做会有收获。
  •   当当网购书不错
  •   考试虫出的阅读跟真题风格很像,文章不是很难,题目的出题点也很常规,但是你如果没有真正读懂文章,也是很难做对的,这正是它与真题相似的关键所在,建议想用模拟题检验水平的同学试做一下。
  •   很好啊,就是有点臭。。
  •   到货时间太长了!
  •   书已拿到,不是按试卷每一套放在一起,而是散落的一张一张,而且中间一部分的颜色还不同,形式上很差,至于书的内容,还没细看~
  •   此卷仿真度低,题目设计随意,解答模糊,尤其作文题完全垃圾.

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