
出版时间:2006-6  出版社:现代出版社  作者:蔡志忠  页数:130  


  蔡志忠漫画图书已经在44个国家出版,销售达到4000万册。中英文版蔡志忠漫画共10个品种,本书是其中的一册,蔡志忠用他独特而富有吸引力的画风,将中国古代典籍中博大精深的思想深入浅出地呈现给您。儒家构建和谐社会的智慧、道家崇尚自然与自由的智慧、兵家不战而胜的智慧……通过他画笔下一个个鲜活、有趣、生动的形象得到简明、精确、通俗的阐释。和以往出版物不同的是,这套丛书画面上的人物对话和情节说明全部是英文,边框里保留了古汉语原文,既满足了国外读者和英语学习者的阅读需要,也最大程度地保存了古代著作的文字精华,具有文学参考价值和收藏价值。  《法句经》这本书摘录了2500年前这位历史上的佛陀所说的话,是古代印度佛教的长老们摘录佛陀佛法的偈语。是佛陀所说的真理言语,也是佛陀所指引真理的道迹。当年法句经的编辑当然是为了作为佛弟子的修行指南,希望透过短短的经句能让弟子们遵照实行。  而漫画法句经,能让读者对当年这位历史上的佛陀有更活生生的认识,并能从他简短的言语之中,获得正确的认知,乃至遵照着去实行。而获得净化自己的身心,乃至直达寂静安详的最后彼岸。




DHARMA SAYINGSTHE DHARMA SUTRADELUSIONSSuffering follows your polluted  mindJoy follows your pure mind Resentment stays alive in relived   memoriesResentment dissolves when we  let goPatience stops resentmentEven I do not own myselfIgnorant people with self     awarenessEleven kinds of fireNo attachment is worse than    resentmentLike a torrent submerging a   sleeping villageHold the mind aS a mirror,   without bending forward or   backThe wise ones do not worry about   the futureLess than one-sixteenth of Dharma    joyDelusion over aStrologyPeolple need to save themse   lvesPractice is the only wayWhat is allAll acts are transientSUFFERINGLooking for the house builderIf the heart is unsettledAn enemy mentality is the worst    enemyNo escapeThe heart does not judgeNirvana is the utmost joyDesires bring few joys and much      painSelf-discipllne in every area is a virtueNothing belongs to meSeparation from loved ones causes   sufferingTreating ourselves as the enemyFace the consequences of one's    actiousProper Dhaarma keeps us from   spinning our wheelsDistancing ourselves from all evilesDiligently helping ourselvesTreating ourselves wellSeek~ red.go in ourselvesReading one thousand versesPractise what is preachedLiving one hundred years is not   as good as being vigilant for    one dayLike the tongue tasting soupA herder counting others'  cattlePretty in appearance, but witho   fragranceNot by walking around naked JOYWe really live joyfullyIf we keep proper mindfulnessI am so sereneOvercoming difficult challenges evilIt is rare to find such unique  opportunitiesQuiescence is the utmost joyPatience in adversity is most  difficult to achieveGood practitioners cultivate sel  disciplineWise ones discipline the mind  like bow makers straightening arrowsLike fish hying without waterLet go of both victory and defeatPeople share the same manta-lityAvoid attachmentCULTIVATING SPiritualityRefrain from any evll deedsA house built sloppily will  definitely leakBuddha is the only lecturerPurify the mind and suffering ends Like a fierce fire that burns up  all Confining ropesLike bees collecting nectarQuietly accept slander from othersMaster of the consciousnessLike an elephant on a hattie fieldReturn hatred with loveThis is realEvll friends are more frightening   than fierce beastsDo not keep company with   foolsDo not befriend foolsLike an elephant marching in a   forestLike the elephant trainer discipiing an elephantWISE ONESThe way to realization.Wise ones are islands above the flood watersLike sturdy rocksVirtuous ones leave all desiresWise ones abandon small  pleasuresWise ones guard their mindNot watching others' faultsSeeting faults in others is easyDo not luxuriate in hedonistic pleasureGiving up evil and taking upgoodness to become a tranquil BuddhaTHE OTHER SHOREDo not be greedy for earthly profitFew can reach"the Other Shore"Self as self's refugeBeing awake within a sleeping crowdAvoiding indulgence is the way to stay aliveBeheving in truths and abiding by preceptsNirvana is the utmost goalQuietness is the sweetest joyCONCLUDING NOTES




书评看经典漫画学英文,蔡志忠漫画图书已经在44个国家出版,销售达到4000万册。    中国早期思想家的著作影响了中国文化和社会的方方面面,从教育到艺术,从政治和战争到日常礼节。欢迎的漫画家蔡志忠先生一直致力于用他独特而富有吸引力的画风将这些古代经典著作的智慧带入生活。这一中国传统思想系列漫画映射出历史上伟大思想家们的光辉,包括:孔子,和谐生活的智慧;老子,道家自然生活的智慧;庄子,首家自由与自然的智慧;孙子,不战而胜的智慧;禅师,生活在瞬间的智慧。    蔡志忠先生最早是因为他获奖的多部动画电影和每日连载漫画引起大众的关注的。在长期的自学之后,蔡志忠先生将创作方向转移到经典著作上。作品广受评论家的好评并快速成为畅销书。蔡先生的书已被美国知名出版社如,Princeton University Press和Knopf出版。    Brian Bruya是此系列书美国版的译者,拥有夏威夷大学比较哲学的博士学位。他是中国早期哲学研究领域的专家和翻译,同时还是一个关于 国哲学研究的网站“书海文苑”的总编辑。






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