
出版时间:2009-09-01  出版社:中国时代经济出版社  作者:苏格兰学历管理委员会  页数:127  




1 Introduction to the unit1.1 What this unit is about1.2 0utcomes1.3 Unit structure1.4 How to use these learning materials1.5 Symbols used in this unit1.6 0ther resources required1.7 Assessment information2 Section 1: Explain and classify PLC hardware2.1 Introduction to this section2.2 Assessment information for this section2.3 Introduction2.4 The relay2.5 Hard-wired systems2.6 The PLC2.7 Sensors and actuators2.8 PLC oubsystems2.9 PLC applications2.10 Common elements of the PLC2.11 Basic logic functions2.12 A short note on contacts2.13 Example program2.14 PLC architecture2.15 PLC failures2.16 PLC classification2.17 Program execution2.18 PLC scan2.19 Summary of this section3 Section 2: Describe the operation of PLC software3.1 Introduction to this section3.2 Assessment information for this section3.3 Introduction3.4 Normally open contact3.5 Normally closed contact3.6 Timer3.7 Counter3.8 Latch3.9 Shift registers3.10 Auxiliary relay (flag)3.11 Program execution3.12 Program examples3.13 Summarv of this section4 Section 3:Simulating the control of an industrial process using a PLC5 Answer to SAQs and Activities6 Glossary7 Acknowledgements



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