
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:新世界出版社  作者:韩林涛 等 著  页数:160  


  Cancer poses great threats to human health and life. Cancer and cardiovascular disease have become the top two health hazards worldwide, and remain two major medical challenges.  Of the worlds 5.2 billion people, 7 million are affected by cancer, and over 5 million people die of cancer each year. Almost one cancer patient dies every six seconds.


  Cancer poses great threats to human health and life. Cancer and cardiovascular disease have become the top two health hazards worldwide, and remain two major medical challenges.  Of the worlds 5.2 billion people, 7 million are affected by cancer, and over 5 million people die of cancer each year. Almost one cancer patient dies every six seconds.


Overview—— Cancer in ChinaAn Amazing Couple!—— Spouse of Cancer Hospital Director,Also a Cancer-fighting Star An Amazing Elder—— 69 Years Fighting Cancer Creates aLiving Miracle What a Brave Woman!—— Ye Danyang, Ambassador for Breast Cancer Prevention and TreatmentUnlocking with the Olympic Opening—— A Commitment to LifeCancer Patients Should Learn to "Seek Organizations"


  During the anti-cancer battle, in addition to the treatment plan from the medical establishment and medical staff, great perseverance from each cancer patient greatly helps in cancer treatment. Many cancer patients, though "sentenced to death" by doctors, instead of falling into depression, support and encourage each other, and join in the efforts to fight against cancer in an unremitting way.  This book aims to introduce some cancer fighters, who share with us their experiences struggling against cancer, and how they have fought cancer with a smile.



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