
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:中国石化  作者:新概念英语学习中心 编  页数:206  字数:3913000  


说起《新概念英语》,只要学习英语的中国人几乎都知道。这套教材在中国已经流行了近30年,仍经久不衰。《新概念英语一课一练》系列丛书既紧贴《新概念英语》的课文内容,又增添了很多相关练习。它的最大特点是从语法、词汇、阅读、翻译和写作等方面对学习者进行同步辅导。    结合中考、高考、大学英语四六级、考研等考试的要求,编者从应试和应用的角度出发,把教材的精华和学习的重点、难点全部融人习题中,从而有效帮助学习者巩固课文知识、加深记忆、训练技能,最终全面提高英语听、说、读、写能力。    本套丛书既可供自学《新概念英语》的读者使用,也可供相应水平的自学者查漏补缺,进一步提高自己的英语水平。


Lesson 1~2Lesson 3~4  Lesson 5~6  Lesson 7~8  Lesson 9~10  Lesson 11~12Lesson 13~14Lesson 15~16Lesson 17~18Lesson 19~20Lesson 21~22Lesson 23~24Lesson 25~26Lesson 27~28Lesson 29~30Lesson 31~32Lesson 33~34Lesson 35~36Lesson 37~38Lesson 39~40Lesson 41~42Lesson 43~44Lesson 45~46Lesson 47~48Lesson 49~50Lesson 51~52Lesson 53~54Lesson 55~56Lesson 57~58Lesson 59~60Lesson 61~62Lesson 63~64Lesson 65~66Lesson 67~68Lesson 69~70Lesson 71~72Lesson 73~74Lesson 75~76Lesson 77~78Lesson 79~80Lesson 81~82Lesson 83~84Lesson 85~86Lesson 87~88  Lesson 89~90 Lesson 91~92  Lesson 93~94  Lesson 95~96  Lesson 97~98Lesson 99~100Lesson 101~102  Lesson 103~104  Lesson 105~106  Lesson 107~108  Lesson 109~110  Lesson 111~112  Lesson 113~114  1ess6n 115~116  Lesson 117~118  Lesson 119~120  Lesson 121~122  Lesson 123~124  Lesson 125~126  Lesson 127~128  Lesson 129~130  Lesson 131~132  Lesson 133~134  Lesson 135~136  Lesson 137~138  Lesson 139~140  Lesson 141~142  Lesson 143~144  参考答案


  my family when you visit Beijing.You can have your own room and eat with US.1 can also show you around the city.Im sure you11 enjoy your stay at Beijing. Please let me know when you are arriving SO that I can meet you at the airport.  1.Is there a desk near the window? There iS not a desk near the window.  2.Are there any English books on the book-shelf? There are not any English hooks on the book-shelf.  3.Is there a blackboard in the classroom? There is not a blackboard in the classroom.  4.Is there a map on the wall? There iS not a map on the wall.  5.Are there any cars in the street? There are not any cars in the street.  6.Are there many people in the shop? There are not many people in the shop.  7.Is there any water in the glass? There iS not any water in the glass. One day,1 was doing shopping in the market when I suddenly saw a big fire in the distance. Many people ran tO see it and I also went with them.We could see the fire burning on the 1 1 th floor of the Capital Building.Many people escaped from the building.But many others were trapped. Helicopters were sent to rescue them.Because of the heavy smoke,it took the helicopters a long time tO land on the roof of the building.About 70 people were saved,  七、1.C祈使句一般情况下不使用主语,A可以排除。neednt用在此句中在语气上和意思上均不妥。wont更不切意。  2.A根据上下文分析,只有选A才符合一般性的逻辑。cant是"不可能",而may not是"可能不",but一词后的那句中必须填cant才是正确的。  3.D按照第二句的意思是,用must不当,should和ought tO虽也可表示猜测,但它们常用于表示经过推断后的结论,它们实际上是must的弱化,但其可能性是相当大的,故用在此不当。  4.A最后一句话说,"我已经告诉他了",因此,用"不必"neednt才切意,故选A。



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用户评论 (总计14条)


  •   我需要新概念第一冊課本,能幫我發過來嗎?
  •   这本书对于四年级的儿子来说,有点难度。很棒的书!
  •   书质量很好,题型很多。不过选择题的难度有点大,比较适合初二初三的孩子。
  •   总体还不错,教师推荐的
  •   最近忙,才有时间评价,书还是不错的,给个好评
  •   要得的就是它
  •   优点:1.一课一练;2.内容较多。缺点:语法选择题部分虽然都是很经典的好题,但是对于新概念1的学生来说有些难;另外,这些题和课文本身没有联系。总体来说,还是很不错的。
  •   自学新概念可用用
  •   和新概念联系不大,一开始就会出现完成时态等对于初学新一的学生来说比较难的语法题,不适合小学阶段使用
  •   书很不错,要是答案有解析就完美了。
  •   说是一课一练,但其实前面的习题就已经涉及了很多后面才学到的知识。
  •   不是很满意,主要是我还有一本课外书,名字不一样,内容居然太雷同了,不知道是哪本书的过
  •   书比教材难
  •   书的质量不错,外包装也可以

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