
出版时间:2008-6  出版社:中国农业科学技术  作者:毛晓霞  页数:282  


本书内容主要有:朝代历史纪元,民族及少数民族政策。宗教,儒家思想对中国的影响,科举与教育体制,节日与民俗,图腾,饮食文化,文学与戏剧,书法及绘画,园林与建筑,音乐,工艺品,中医药,旅游景点与世界文化遗产等等。接受培训的外国学生在亲眼看到和亲身感受到中国文化所具有的不同特点和独特魅力之时,也实际感受到世界文化的多元性,自觉增进跨文化交流的意识,从而帮助他们真切地了解中国人的观念、学习、工作和生活,进而对中国产生真实的认知。 本书力求深入浅出,通俗易懂,为初步接触中国历史与文化的外国朋友提供一个生动有趣的读物;同时也希望成为在进一步探索中国历史与文化道路上游兴正浓的中外朋友们的一个尽职向导。


Part 1  Basic National Conditions and History Chapter 1  Geography of China  Section 1  Area and Position    Section 2  Physical Features    Section 3  Climatic Characteristics    Section 4  General Introduction of Rivers Chapter 2  Chinese Culture's Formation and Development    Section 1  Prehistoric Culture    Section 2  The Xia, the Shang and the Western Zhou Dynasties    Section 3  The Spring and the Autumn Period, the Warring States Period    Section 4  The Qin and the Han Dynasties    Section 5  The Wei and the Jin, the Northern and the Southern Dynasties    Section 6  The Sui and Tang Dynasties    Section 7  The Song, Liao, Xia, Jin and Yuan Dynasties    Section 8  The Ming and the Qing DynastiesPart 2  Ancient Capital Cities--Epitome of the History Chapter 3  Beijing--an Ancient and Modern Capital City    Section 1  Beijing as an Ancient Capital    Section 2  Beijing as a Modern City    Section 3  Beijing's World Cultural Heritage    Section 4  Beijing's Hutong and Siheyuan    Section 5  Museums Chapter 4  Xi'an-- an Ancient Capital City, the World's 8th Wonder    Section 1  Ancient Capital Xian'yang    Section 2  Ancient Capital Chang'an (present Xi'an)    Section 3  Qin Mausoleum    Section 4  the World's 8th Wonder    Section 5  Secret of Famen Temple ……Part 3  Philosophy and ReligionPart 4  Civilization and CulturePart 5  Science and TechnologyPart 6  Literature and ArtPart 7  Tradition and CustomsPart 8  China--a Big Family of 56 NationalitiesReference


  Furthermore, during the Capital Alliance Meeting, the Vice Director of Beijing Municipal Commis-sion of Reform and Development, Zhi Liu, pointed out three stages for Beijing to reach its developmentgoals. First, from 2004 to 2008, Beijing "shall primari




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