
出版时间:2006-12  出版社:延边人民出版社  作者:(古希腊)伊索 著  页数:全五册  译者:鸿鑫  




作者:(英国)戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯 编译:张娟




版权页:In Beldover,there was both for Ursula and Gudrun an interval.It seemed to Ursulaas if Barking had gone out of her for the time;he had lost his significance, he scarcelymattered in her world.She had her own friends, her own activities, her own life.She turnedback to the old ways with zest, away from him.And Gudrun,after feeling every moment in all her veins conscious of Gerald Crich,connected even physically with him, was now almost indifferent to the thought of him.Shewas nursing new schemes for going away and trying a new form of life.All the time,therewas something in her urging her to avoid the final establishing of a relationship withGerald.She felt it would be wiser and better to have no more than a casual acquaintancewith him.She had a scheme for going to St.Petersburg,where she had a friend who was anartist like herself, and who lived with a wealthy Russian whose hobby was jewel-making.She did not want to go to Paris.Paris was dry, and essentially boring.She would like to goto Rome,Munich.Vienna,or to St. Petersburg or Moscow.She had a friend in St. Petersburgand a friend in Munich.To each of these she wrote, asking about rooms.





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  •   5折购买的,书本稍小,纸质很不错,开心!
  •   非常喜欢,就是还有其他级别的缺货买不到了。
  •   这套是2000词汇量的,5本(26--30)小册子,每本一个故事,有生词,有译文,还有一些习题。

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