
出版时间:2008-4  出版社:哈尔滨出版社  作者:王姿萱 译  页数:350  


  父亲是一部大书,年轻的儿女们常常读不懂父亲,直到他们真正长大之后,站在理想与现实、历史与今天的交汇点上重新打开这部大书的时候,才能读懂父亲那颗真诚的心。  儿女承载了父亲太多的爱心和理想,因为你的出生,为了让你过上更好的生活,他必须加倍努力工作;为了他没有实现的理想,他请来了最好的老师培养你各方面的技能。当父亲用深沉的目光看着你辛苦地打拼,不要以为这是一种冷漠,他盼望有朝一日你能踏实坚定地担起肩上的责任。  这就是父亲,你生命的赐予者,你人生的指引者!


第一卷 一盒子的吻老人与狗与父亲共舞父亲的吻父亲的信父亲的教诲父亲和儿子父亲爸爸的藏宝图攀登峰顶人生哲理苹果树乡音这是送给您的一生的收获一盒子的吻第二卷 错过的祝福爸爸忘记了默默的父爱爸爸的腌菜罐父子俩无论发生什么事,我都会在你身旁父亲节感怀善心可依父爱父亲之间的默契另一种快乐黄昏时分最后的舞蹈……最后的机会……童年往事心灵之歌恪守诺言第三卷 多伟大的礼物啊!一见如故女儿的午餐袋你所记得的一切给儿子的信七美元的梦想我的手镯一双新鞋爸爸的草帽多伟大的礼物啊!我永远的情人节……第四卷 一根粉笔画出的奇迹第五卷 通往广场的路不只一条


  "Shes very gentle.I remarked, wondering how she would take to my noisy children.Id already lost my heart to her in a way I never imagined possible!  "Her owners mved away."Babs said,"They put her in boarding kennels, saying theydbe back in a week but they never returned. She wont give her trust easily, but if shes givenenough love——well, who knows?"  "How cruel! "I gasped,"How could they?"  "Oh, it could have been a lot worse."Babs continued,"She was never physically hurt,but her confidence has taken a terrible battering. She needs constant reassurance and cantbear to be alone."  "Shed never be alone."l said and Sadie wagged her tail as if she understood,"And inour house, believe me, theres no shortage of love! "  When I got home, Matthew and Laura were out of sight. Dad, as always, was staringinto space. He didn’t even bother to read any more, but seemed to spend his whole life justwatching time slip away.  "Dad…"  He turned and looked up at me, taking a moment or two to register that I wasntalone. I looked at Dads face. He stared at the dog and for an awful moment, I thought he was going to reject her. But Dad could never be cruel… He stretched out his hand andcalled to her.  "Come on, lass,"he said softly,"I wont hurt you."  At last, she ventured up to him and sniffed at his blanket.  "Whats her name?"Dad asked me.


  在温情回忆中感悟人生,在英文学习中收获亲情。父爱其实很简单,它象白酒,辛辣而热烈,容易让你醉在其中;它象咖啡,枯涩而醇香,容易让人为之振奋;它象茶,平淡而亲切,容易让人在不知不觉中上瘾。即使是丹青高手,也难以勾勒出父亲那坚挺的脊梁;即使是文学泰斗,也难以刻画尽父亲那不屈的精神;即使是海纳百川,也难以包罗尽父亲对儿女的关爱!  优美华丽的文字,温馨动人的故事,睿智的人生哲理,经典的英文篇章。  编者的话  掌习语言是一件枯燥乏味、单调无聊的事情。如果只是为了学习面学语言,那就更让人感到无趣了!所聿我们还可以选一些很感性、很优美的文章来读,这样不仅能使自己的语言水平得以提高,同时也增进了自己对真、善、美的认识。




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